Below you find a part of the radio collection Siegfried Droese - including other related items. Funksprechgeräte |
Part of the radio collection of Siegfried Droese. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Siegfried Droese but this is not necessarily all of Siegfried Droese's collection.
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1974 : ICB-170 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1976 ??: Walkie-Talkie ICB-1000 |
J: Standard Radio Corp. (SR), Tokyo
1972 ?: Handie Marine VHF FM Transceiver SR-C830S 50 |
J: Toa Musen Company Ltd. (Telecon); ...
1960 ?: CB Transceiver MZK Telecon |
J: Toa Musen Company Ltd. (Telecon); ...
1963 ?: 9 Transistor MZK BC-Telecon TMC-401 |
J: Tokai Wireless Co.,Ltd., Tokyo
1963–68 ?: Super Phone TC-130G |
J: Tokai Wireless Co.,Ltd., Tokyo
1963–68 ?: Super Phone 500 TC-500G |
J: Tokai Wireless Co.,Ltd., Tokyo
1969 : Sprechfunkgerät TC-512G |
J: Tokai Wireless Co.,Ltd., Tokyo
1970 ??: Transceptor CB TC-5005 |
J: Tokai Wireless Co.,Ltd., Tokyo
1971 : Sprechfunkgerät TC-3006D |
J: Tokai Wireless Co.,Ltd., Tokyo
1972 ??: Citizen's Band Transceiver TC-1607 |
J: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Japan
1963 : CB Handfunkgerät Tagoshi F-100P |
J: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Japan
1970 ??: Party - Solid State - Seven Transistor - Walkie-Talkie FRT 70A |
J: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Japan
1975 ??: Mascot 5 Transistor Walkie Talkie 5001 |
J: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Japan
1975 ??: Transceiver Trans Talk |
J: Yaou Radio Co ltd ; Kanagawa-ken
1962 : General Sprechfunkgerät TC-103A |
J: Yaou Radio Co ltd ; Kanagawa-ken
1963 : General Sprechfunkgerät TG-103A |
N: Simonsen Radio A/S; Oslo
1953 ?: Radiotelefon SIMRAD W.T.2 Kopfhörer, Antenne und Batteriekasten fehlen. |
N: Vingtor Electronics A/S; Horten
1969 : Seefunkempfänger Skipsmottaker SM600 |
NL: NSF Nederlandsche Seintoestellen F...
1940–45 ??: Ultra-Kurzwellen Sende-Empfangsanlage DR/FR 38A Stromversorgungs-Einschub fehlt |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1944 ?: Tragbare UK Sende-Empfangsanlage CAW Phi 1UK43 / DR25b1x Gehäuse nachgebaut, Netzteil nicht original. |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1953 ?: Portofoon Zend-Ontvanger SDR314/04 |
NL: Radio-Holland, Nederlandse Telegra...
1954 ?: Seefunkempfänger RH5404RE |
NL: Radio Becker N. V.; Zeist
1960 : Scheepsradiotelefoon Capella HB110RT |
PL: Unitra COBR; Warszawa
1970 : Lifeboat Radio Rettungsbootstation RS 101 |
PL: Unitra - Unima; Szczytno, Koszalin...
1980 ??: Radiotelefon ZR-Radmor 315.50/4 |
PL: Unitra ZRK, Zaklady Radiowe im. M....
1976 ??: Unitra Warel Echo 4 |
PRC: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: China
1974 : VHF Transceiver 884 |
ROK: Otron, Olympos Electronic Co., Ltd...
1980 ??: 40 Channel PLL Citizens Band Transceiver CB-401 |
RUS: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Russia (a...
1990 ??: Гродно-Р Grodno-R, CB Transceiver |
S: Handic; Göteborg
1975 ??: Handic 235 |
S: Handic; Göteborg
1975 ??: Handic 605 |
S: Handic; Göteborg
1978 ??: Handfunkgerät Micman |
S: Handic; Göteborg
1978 ??: Handfunkgerät 92 |
S: MILITARY Sweden (different makers ...
1949 : Radiostation Ra 120 |
S: SR, Svenska Radioaktiebolaget (SRA...
1950 ?: Radiostation Ra 110 |
S: SR, Svenska Radioaktiebolaget (SRA...
1973 : Ra-105 |
S: SR, Svenska Radioaktiebolaget (SRA...
1975 ??: SEFU-2001 |
S: SR, Svenska Radioaktiebolaget (SRA...
1976 ??: SEFU-2002 |
S: Standard Radiofabrik A.B.; Ulvsunda
1952 : Radiostation Ra 130 |
S: Standard Radio & Telefon AB (SRT),...
1961 ?: Radiostation Ra 200 Behälter für Akkumulatoren unter Funkstation montiert. |
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1955–71 : Beta R-312 {Р-312} |
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1958–71 ?: Omega R-311 {Р-311} |
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1960–79 ??: Volna-K - Волна-К Gerät mit deutscher Beschriftung |
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1962 ?: Kompaniefunkgerät R-126 {Р-126} |
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1980 : Tsifra R-323M - Р-323М |
SU: B-8865 (V8865) post box Nr. plant,...
1958–68 ?: R-104M {Р-104М} |
SU: B-8865 (V8865) post box Nr. plant,...
1959–66 ?: R-114D {Р-114Д} |
SU: B-8865 (V8865) post box Nr. plant,...
1959–66 ??: Tornisterfunkgerät R-108D {Р-108Д} |
SU: B-8865 (V8865) post box Nr. plant,...
1961 ??: Funkgerät R-112 {Р-112} |
Click numbers for additional pages of Siegfried
Droese's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Siegfried Droese opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 17.Aug.2009.
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