Below you find a part of the radio collection Steffen Thies - including other related items. Möglichst exotische Radios aus allen Ländern, Meßgeräte mit Röhren |
Result: 1 to 10 from 10 |
Part of the radio collection of Steffen Thies. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Steffen Thies but this is not necessarily all of Steffen Thies's collection.
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1935 ??: Schwebungswellenmesser GM3110 |
F: Manufrance, Manufacture Française ...
1936 : BA36 1 |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1937 : Schwebungssummer Rel. sum. 49a - Rel.Sk.VII D4/37 |
F: CEL (marque), Câblerie E. Charbonn...
1938 : Supercontrôleur de Lampes (Lampemètre) |
NZ: Columbus (Brand); Radio Centre Ltd...
1938/39 : The Challenger 84 |
N: Radionette; Oslo
1940–42 : Heimskringla |
CH: Siemens Elektrizitätserzeugnisse A...
1942 ?: Oszilloskop KE1071 1942 Kontrollampe und ein Knopf nicht original |
D: Sennheiser Electronic (Labor W); W...
1948 ??: Labor W, RCL-Meßbrücke MB-1 Lack nicht original |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1952 ?: Fernseh-Prüfgenerator GM2888/50 |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1960 ??: Veränderbare Eichleitung 0...16,2 Np Rel 3D112a Eingangsbuchse nicht original |
Result: 1 to 10 from 10 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Steffen
Thies's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Steffen Thies opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 04.Nov.2004.
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