Below you find a part of the radio collection Timo Rantasaari - including other related items. |
Part of the radio collection of Timo Rantasaari. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Timo Rantasaari but this is not necessarily all of Timo Rantasaari's collection.
FIN: Telefunken, Helsinki
1953 ?: Super 2427/8 |
H: Orion; Budapest
1941–43 : 243 |
FIN: Telefunken, Helsinki
1954 ?: Vivace Super 2432 |
FIN: Asa Radio Oy; Turku
1943 : 244 |
FIN: Asa Radio Oy; Turku
1965 ?: Asavisio 2445 |
FIN: Asa Radio Oy; Turku
1969 ?: Asavisio 2455 |
FIN: Luxor, Helsinki - see also Sweden
1967 ??: Super Final 25-672 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1952 : 2508 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1928–31 : 2511 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1928/29 : 2514 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1928–31 : 2514 |
S: SR, Svenska Radioaktiebolaget (SRA...
1952 ?: Radiola Sonett 2522V |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1930 : 2523 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1930/31 : 2531 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1929 : 2534 |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1959/60 : Granada 2626 |
FIN: Hellberg, Helsinki
1943 ?: Fortuna-AB 263 |
S: AGA and Aga-Baltic Radio AB; Sweden
1955/56 ?: 26402 |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1959 : Riviera 2641 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1952 ?: 2652W mit EM11 |
FIN: Harmon, Turku
1952 ?: 266W |
S: Svenska AB Trådlös Telegrafi (Tele...
1951/52 : Telefunken Växelström-Super 278 V/UKV |
D: Mende - Radio H. Mende & Co. GmbH,...
1932/33 : 280W mit RENS1214 |
B: Philips Belgium (Belgien)
1949 ?: 2846 -00 |
FIN: Philips Finland - see also Fenno a...
1950 ?: 290U |
FIN: Asa Radio Oy; Turku
1967 : Stereo-Master 2993A |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1942–44 : 2B54GWK |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1942 ?: 2B54GWKb |
LV: VEF Radio Works (Valst Elektrotech...
1938/39 : Vefar 2BD39 2BD/39 |
D: Loewe-(Opta); Deutschland
1927–30 : Fernempfänger 2H3N (2HF3NF) Batterie Steglitz |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1940 ?: 2L66WK |
FIN: Salora; Salo
1964 : Salome 2V |
FIN: Lahden Sahkokonepaja, Lahti
1928 : Argos 3 |
FIN: Salora; Salo
1970 ?: Salome 3 |
SU: Moscow Radio engineering Works
1957 ?: Temp - Темп 3 Finland Export |
CS: Tesla; Praha, Bratislava etc.
1957/58 ?: Minor 3001B late, post 432550 |
FIN: Stromberg, Helsinki
1941–43 : 300Y "Strömberg" -emblem missing |
D: Graetz, Altena (Westfalen)
1970/71 : Page automatic 301 |
FIN: Salora; Salo
1972 ?: Hi-Fi Stereo 2001 3013 |
H: Orion; Budapest
1934 : 303 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1956 : 3035/56/S |
S: SR, Svenska Radioaktiebolaget (SRA...
1930 : Radiola 303V |
D: Schaub und Schaub-Lorenz
1962/63 : Weltspiegel 3059D 76330/76332/76334/76335 |
CS: Tesla; Praha, Bratislava etc.
1951/52 : Talisman 306U |
SU: Moscow TEMP Radio Works/Plant (ex-...
1976 : Sokol - Сокол 308 CCIR |
D: Tefag; Telephon Aktiengesellschaft...
1936/37 : Tefadyn 308W |
D: Lorenz; Berlin, Zuffenhausen u.a.
1941/42 : Super 30W/II (S30) (30A/II) |
D: Seibt, Dr. Georg (Nachf.); Berlin,...
1930–32 : 31 (31W) |
FIN: Salora; Salo
1953/54 : 310-Y |
D: SABA; Villingen
1933/34 : 311WL |
Click numbers for additional pages of Timo
Rantasaari's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Timo Rantasaari opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 24.Jan.2011.
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