Below you find a part of the radio collection Toni Gutiérrez García - including other related items. Grundig 1070, Wega 301, Radiofonía 316, Schneider Beethoven, MIVAR, RADIODINA 371, SELENA Vega B-215. My passion is to revive old equipment. Give them a second life. |
Part of the radio collection of Toni Gutiérrez García. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Toni Gutiérrez García but this is not necessarily all of Toni Gutiérrez García's collection.
GB: Evershed & Vignoles Ltd; London
1920 ??: Ducter Micro-Ohm Meter |
CDN: General Motors of Canada; Oshawa
1932 ??: 639A |
E: La voz de su amo; (Compañia del Gr...
1933 ??: R-1032 |
USA: Sparks-Withington Co., (Sparton); ...
1934 : Sparton 75 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1934 : 18-Watt-B-Verstärker 3755 |
S: AGA and Aga-Baltic Radio AB; Sweden
1934 ?: Superb allström |
E: Philips Ibérica, COPRESA, Compañía...
1935 : 521A Linker Dreh-Knopf fehlt |
USA: Allied Radio Corp. (Knight, Roamer...
1935 ??: G-9547 |
E: Tungsram Radio S.L. (marca Ond-Her...
1943 ??: Iris |
E: Clarión; Barcelona
1948 : RA-42-C |
E: Silvana; (where? ¿donde?)
1950 ??: Desconocido - Unknown 1 Altavoz tras el dial trapezoidal ranurado |
E: Marconi Española S.A. (Telmar); Vi...
1950 ??: Multimeter MT632 |
E: Ondina (Radio Eléctrica Solé S.A);...
1950 ??: Pulgarcito |
E: Inter Electrónica, S.A., Inter-Gru...
1953 : Horizonte Alba 409-B |
E: Tungsram Radio S.L. (marca Ond-Her...
1953 ?: Iris 5 1152 |
E: Marahis, Manufactura Radio Hispani...
1954 ??: Q-138 |
E: Freixa, L., Manufacturas de Radio ...
1955 ??: Baby Roy 157 P |
E: Inter Electrónica, S.A., Inter-Gru...
1955 ??: Berna B 411-K |
E: Radio Aragon; Sideral; Ramar; Zara...
1955 ??: Sideral Ch= S-408 |
E: Philips Ibérica, COPRESA, Compañía...
1956 : AG-9144 |
E: Comercial Radio Bertrán; Electróni...
1956 ?: desconocido - unknown 4 con módulo de sintonía AF-604 |
F: Sonolor; Paris, La Courneuve
1956 ?: Tornade 56 It is my own pictures. |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1957 : Transistor Six TR-63a |
E: Anglo Española de Electricidad (AE...
1957 : 420 HI-FI |
E: Philips Ibérica, COPRESA, Compañía...
1957 ??: Punt Blanc 20AG12E |
E: Vica (Talleres), Capdevila; Barcel...
1957 ??: 920 |
E: Telefunken Radiotécnica Ibérica; G...
1958 : Festival 58 FA-1775 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1958 ?: AG9146 /95 |
B: Philips Belgium (Belgien)
1959 ?: L3X95T /02E |
D: Imperial Rundfunk und Fernseh (Kub...
1960 : S/W Fernseh-Koffer Chassis Ch= 1319 Super Automatic |
E: Askar, Ascar; Irún
1960 : 713-U (6-713-U) |
E: Virer Radio, Talleres Radioeléctri...
1960 ?: Camplay-R |
I: Faro (Nuova Faro); Milano
1960 ?: Record Stereo |
E: Radio-Electra; Madrid
1960 ?: Superkit RE-1959 |
CDN: Electrohome (Dominion Industries, ...
1960 ??: 4D-18A |
I: Geloso SA; Milano
1961 : G257 |
E: Lavis S.A., Labelson; Barcelona
1961 ??: Super 510 |
F: Teppaz; Lyon
1962 : Électrophone Stéréophonique Hi-Fi 448 |
F: Pizon Bros (JMP); Paris
1962 : Translitor 750 |
E: Micafix Electrónica; San Sebastián
1962 : 580 |
J: Kenwood, Trio-Kenwood Inc.; Komagane
1962 ?: Trio High Fidelity Stereo Amplifier W-24 |
J: Hokuto Radio Corporation; (where?)
1962 ??: Grand Prix GP-805 |
J: Crown Radio Corp.; Tokyo
1962–64 : Auto Level CTR-5050 |
E: Philips Ibérica, COPRESA, Compañía...
1963 : Cocktail-Duplo NG-4027 |
E: Philips Ibérica, COPRESA, Compañía...
1963 : Garden Club NG-4029 |
E: Philips Ibérica, COPRESA, Compañía...
1963 : Manhattan NG-4026 |
E: Estrada, (Janzer); Barcelona
1963 ??: Mira electrónica Impulser |
E: Cosmo S.A., Industrias; Granollers...
1964 : Dualette C-600 |
E: Promax; Barcelona
1964 : Generador BF GE-1502 |
E: Sanyo España, Eurotrón, Ainsa; Hue...
1965 ?: 6 Transistor dial oval con lupa 6C-64D (?) |
Click numbers for additional pages of Toni
Gutiérrez García's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Toni Gutiérrez García opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 03.Nov.2019.
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