Below you find a part of the radio collection Viktor Pries - including other related items. Schöne Röhrenradiogeräte 1930 bis 1960 |
Result: 1 to 12 from 12 |
Part of the radio collection of Viktor Pries. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Viktor Pries but this is not necessarily all of Viktor Pries's collection.
D: Imperial Rundfunk und Fernseh (Kub...
1960–63 : Ariane 414 Viktor Pries |
CH: Mediator; La Chaux-de-Fonds
1947–50 : Bambi 88U (M 88 U) |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1950/51 : F246W |
F: Transatlantique Radio
1939 ??: Inconnu - Unknown 1 |
F: Ondax; Paris
1955/56 : Marly |
CH: Mediator; La Chaux-de-Fonds
1955 ?: MD1007U16 |
F: Ribet et Desjardins (R-D); Paris, ...
1957/58 : Opérette |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1967/68 : Philetta 12RB273 |
CH: Philips - Schweiz
1947–50 : Piccolo BCH170U |
F: Marconi (marque), Cie. Fse. du Gra...
1950–52 : 55C 3V Ch= 550C |
CH: Paillard AG; St. Croix
1944/45 : 450D |
CH: Autophon AG (inkl. Téléphonie SA);...
1946–50 : 833T |
Result: 1 to 12 from 12 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Viktor
Pries's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Viktor Pries opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 20.Jan.2004.
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