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Below you find a part of the radio collection Vladimir Olkinitskiy - including other related items. |
Result: 1 to 15 from 15 |
Part of the radio collection of Vladimir Olkinitskiy. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Vladimir Olkinitskiy but this is not necessarily all of Vladimir Olkinitskiy's collection.
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1955–58 : TK-5 |
PL: Unitra ZRK, Zaklady Radiowe im. M....
1960 : Piosenka |
SU: Fiolent factory, Simferopol, Ukraine
1968 : Пчёлка Pcholka |
SU: Izhevsk Radio Works
1969/69 ?: Сириус Sirius |
SU: Kalinin Works, Leningrad
1945 ?: ЗИК ГДМ-0,5 ZIK GDM-0.5 |
SU: Krasnoselsky Plastics Plant; Krasn...
1960 ?: Восток 0,15 ГД-III-2 Vostok 0.15 GD-III-2 2 |
SU: Krasnoselsky Plastics Plant; Krasn...
1963 ?: Восток 0,15 ГД-III-2 Vostok 0.15 GD-III-2 |
SU: Leningrad Radio Products Works Nr.3
1965–71 ?: Нева 0,15 ГД III-8 Neva 0.15 GD III-8 |
SU: Leningrad Radio Products Works Nr.3
1974 ?: Ленинград ГА-III Leningrad GA-III |
SU: Leningrad Plastpribor Plant; Lenin...
1967 ?: Старт 0,15 ГД-III-13 Start 0.15 GD-III-13 |
SU: Ulyanovsk Machine Engineering Plan...
1952–54 ?: 0.5 ГД II-1 0,5 GD II-1 1 |
SU: Ulyanovsk Machine Engineering Plan...
1953 ?: Волга 0,5 ГД II 1 Volga 0.5 GD II 1 |
SU: Voronezh Elektrosignal Radio Works
1951 : Voronež {Воронеж} tubes-portable |
SU: Voronezh Elektrosignal Radio Works
1952/53 ?: ArfaАрфа Arfa |
SU: Voronezh Elektrosignal Radio Works
1954/55 ?: Мотылёк Motylok |
Result: 1 to 15 from 15 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Vladimir
Olkinitskiy's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Vladimir Olkinitskiy opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 24.Sep.2020.
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