Below you find a part of the radio collection Wayne Childress - including other related items. I live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the Commonwealth (State) of Virginia. My hobbies have ranged from fly fishing and fly tying to photography and writing, and of course radios. I have collected radio twice in my life. First in early 1990s, when I collected National Company amateur equipment, including more than 10 complete HROs. Since 2014, I dabble in a little of everything, new and old, but with emphasis on amateur transmitters, communications receivers, shortwave radios, and radio literature. I am a radio history buff, which is why I spend a great deal of time on the RM filling in the blanks! 73, KM4KAU |
Este es un extracto de la coleccion de radio de Wayne Childress. Estas imágenes han sido aportadas en sus correspondientes modelos por Wayne Childress:
USA: Vibroplex Company, Inc.; New York,...
1904 : Original Standard |
USA: Western Electric Company Inc.; New...
1918 : SCR68 |
USA: Western Electric Company Inc.; New...
1922 ?: Horn Speaker 518-W |
USA: Browning-Drake Corp.; Brighton, Ma...
1924 : National Regenaformer 2-Tube Kit |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1924 : Radiola III A (3A, IIIA) AR-802 Type RL |
USA: Atlas, Multiple Electric Products ...
1924 ?: Loudspeaker Type B |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1924–45 : Velvet Vernier Dial A Dial |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1924–50 ?: Velvet Vernier Dial B Dial |
USA: Rola Company, The; Oakland, CA
1925 : ReCreator Horn |
USA: Browning-Drake Corp.; Brighton, Ma...
1926 : 5R |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1927 : Radiola Loudspeaker 100-A |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1927/28 : E2 9790 |
USA: United American Bosch (Magneto Cor...
1927/28 : 46 The Little Six AC (6, fourty six) |
USA: Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.
1928 : 5NO |
USA: Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.
1928 ??: A |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1929–31 : SW-5 Thrill Box (SW5 AC, AC SW5) 24/27 tubes |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1929–46 : SW-3 and SW-5 Coil Data National SW-3 Series 10 Coil Set. This is the #15 coils covering 1.5 to 2.... |
USA: Readrite Meter Works; Bluffton (OH)
1930 ??: 736 Ranger |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1931 : Radiola Superette R9-AC |
USA: United American Bosch (Magneto Cor...
1931 : 5 A late |
USA: Clarion, Transformer Corp. of Amer...
1932 : Clarion AC-220 Midget 6 Ch= G-220 |
USA: Midwest Radio Co., The, (Miraco); ...
1932 : 16 Tube Superhet Ch= 16-33 |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1932/33 : Extension Speaker |
USA: Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp.; ...
1933 : 33AW Ch= 5-H-456 |
USA: DeWald Radio Mfg. Corp., Pierce Ai...
1933 : 41 |
USA: Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1933/34 : Battery Fiver Ch= 5B3 Tombstone |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1933/34 ?: FB-7 var 1 (2,5 V tubes) |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1933–36 ?: Speaker Unknown |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1934 : 118B (118, 118A) Cathedral (early) |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1934–38 : CRO |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1934–64 : HRO Coils Consumer Models HRO-5 coil with single metal plaque with double charts and coil ID. |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1935/36 : Silvertone 1923 Order= 57KM 1923 Ch= 334 (334X) |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1936 : 6BT |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1936 ?: HRO Senior HRO-SR |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1936–38 ?: NC-100 |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1936–40 ?: SW-3 Model II var 1 |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1936–40 ?: SW-3 Model II (AC SW-3) |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1938 ?: 1-10 |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1938 ??: 1-10A |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1938/39 : 39-30T |
USA: Signal Electric Mfg. Co.; Menomine...
1939 : HF Buzzer R-60 |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1939 : Silvertone 6177A Ch= 109.279 |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1939/40 : 40-125C |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1939/40 : 40-155T |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1939–41 : The National 600 Watt Transmitter NC-600 1941 National Company Catalog |
USA: Hallicrafters, The; Chicago, IL an...
1939–42 : Sky Buddy S-19R 1st run |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1939–46 : CRM |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1940 : 6D510 Ch= 6A01 |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1940/41 : 41-95T |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1940–43 : NC-200 TG |
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Nuestro miembro Wayne Childress ha decidido
hacer pública su colección de radios y equipo
relacionado el 13.Aug.2014.
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