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Broadcasting station - Radio Skopje

Country MK Language Andere / Others Created on 22.Oct.2021

Република Северна Македонија
Republika Severna Makedonija
Republika e Maqedonisë së Veriut
Republik Nordmazedonien
Republik Mazedonien war von 1991 bis 2019 der offizielle Name von Nordmazedonien.

North Macedonia (Macedonia until February 2019), officially the Republic of North Macedonia, is a country in Southeast Europe. It gained independence in 1991 as one of the successor states of Yugoslavia.

Makedonsko Radio 1 - Radio Skopje (North Macedonia)

Macedonian Radio Television (Macedonian: Македонска радио-телевизија, transliteration: Makedonska radio-televizija) (or MRT), officially National Radio-Television (Macedonian: Национална Радиотелевизија, transliteration: Nacionalna Radiotelevizija) since 2019, is the public broadcasting organisation of North Macedonia. It was founded in 1993 by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.

Its legally defined service is the production and broadcasting of radio and television programmes of all genres, which should satisfy the public information, cultural, educational and recreational needs of the people of North Macedonia.

Makedonska Radio-Televizija

(in der kyrillischen Schreibweise Македонска Радио Телевизија; kurz: MRT; kyr.: МРТ; deutsch: Mazedonischer Rundfunk) ist die öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkanstalt Nordmazedoniens.

1944 wurde mit Makedonska Radio der Vorläufer des Mazedonischen Rundfunks gegründet. 1964 folgte Makedonska Televizija. Heute produziert MRT mehrere Hörfunk- und Fernsehprogramme.

Seit dem 1. Januar 1993 ist MRT Mitglied der Europäischen Rundfunkunion (EBU), kann also, stellvertretend für Mazedonien, Beiträge zum Eurovision Song Contest, Eurovision Dance Contest und zum Junior Eurovision Song Contest senden. Wegen des Streits um den Namen Mazedonien wurde auf Initiative des griechischen Senders ERT die internationale Abkürzung von MRT in MKRTV verändert. In Mazedonien wird weiterhin die Abkürzung MRT verwendet.

6073 play
Music Andere / Others 10min47s MP3  1.85 MB
Hermann Scharfetter   23.Oct.2021
Record date 30.Dec.2006
Recorded by Hermann Scharfetter
Recording device Special method, see text
Model Columbus 51W
Ingelen, Elektrotechnische Fabrik Ing. Ludwig Neumann GmbH; Wien
This clip is part of a group of 15 channels recorded simultaneously on 30.12.2006.
All audio tracks start 57 sec. before midnight and run synchronously with the tuning-through video. Audio Clip - #6041 , according to the illustration in the attached image.

Parallele Clips:

Audio Clip #6061 DLF (D)
Audio Clip #6062 Option Musique (CH)
Audio Clip #6063 München (D)
Audio Clip #6064 RNE (E)
Audio Clip #6065 Radio China (PRC)
Audio Clip #6066 Ungarn (H)
Audio Clip #6067 Hilversum NPO Radio 10Gold (NL)
Audio Clip #6068 Hilversum NPO Radio 5 (NL)
Audio Clip #6069 Rai (I)
Audio Clip #6070 MDR (D)
Audio Clip #6071 AFN
Audio Clip #6072 Hrvatski radio (HR)
Audio Clip #6073 Radio Sopje (MK)
Audio Clip #6074 SWR (D)
Audio Clip #6075 RFI (F)

The clips are from an analogue wideband recording of the entire medium wave band with a video recorder, based on a suggestion by Jakob Roschy in 2005 Durchstimmen eines Radios - im www hörbar gemacht.

After digitisation in March 2021, the clips were extracted using a software-defined radio (STM125-14, Red Pitaya), see post 10 in Recording the ges. LW- + MW -Band.
stationsdiagramm_englisch~~1.png (2697409)
Hermann Scharfetter27.Oct.2021
own drawing (H. Scharfetter)
time course of scanning through the stations in the video

This station entry was created by administrator Heribert Jung.


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