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Broadcasting station - WOR 710 AM in NYC

Country USA Language English Created on 15.Jun.2023

WOR 710 AM is 50KW “Class A Clear-Channel” station. Wikipedia:
A clear-channel station is an AM radio station in North America that has the highest protection from interference from other stations, particularly concerning nighttime skywave propagation.

6941 play
Speech English 10 sec MP4  1.66 MB
Heribert Jung   17.Jun.2023
Record date Jun.2023
Recorded by Ali Elam
Recording device iPhone
Model Haut-Parleur L. Lumière Grand Modèle à Pied, Type A
Gaumont, Radio-Seg; Paris
Gaumont speaker.
It has the same impedance like the one in my Philips 930A — 2350 ohms. I was able to hook it up and, 100 years old, a bit torn, and it works!

This station entry was created by administrator Heribert Jung.


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