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Broadcasting station - BBC

Country GB Language English Created on 24.Aug.2005

BBC World Service - Wikipedia:
Die British Broadcasting Corporation, kurz BBC , ist eine öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkanstalt des Vereinigten Königreichs, die mehrere Hörfunk- und Fernsehprogramme sowie einen Internet-Nachrichtendienst betreibt. Sie hat ihren Sitz im Broadcasting House in Westminster, London, und ist die älteste nationale Rundfunkanstalt der Welt.
Im Zweiten Weltkrieg war die BBC (mit 11.500 Mitarbeitern in London) neben Radio Beromünster die wichtigste ausländische Informationsquelle für Millionen deutsche Radiohörer.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a public service broadcaster, headquartered at Broadcasting House in Westminster, London. It is the world's oldest national broadcaster,and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees.

322 play
Speech English 1:00 MP3  470.74 KB
Bernd P. Kieck   24.Aug.2005
Record date 28.Jan.1986
ID, ST;18:00-Uhr-Nachrichten mit der Meldung zum Challanger-Unglück.
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Werner Raacke26.Sep.2005
Sammlung Werner Raacke
QSL-Karte aus Großbritann von BBC, London.
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Werner Raacke09.Oct.2005
Sammlung Werner Raacke
Ehrennadel vom Sender BBC-London. Verliehen für zahlreiche Empfangsberichte in den Jahren 1970-73.
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Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller25.Jun.2006
QSL-Sammlung Bradtmoeller
bbc-sp-1.jpg (917515)
Wolfgang Jakob21.Jan.2011
Eigene Sammlung
Sendeplan der BBC von 1986
1864 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) English 0:35 MP3  79.41 KB
Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller   02.Jul.2006
Broadcast from (year) 1965
Broadcast to (year) 1967
Record date May.1967
Recorded by Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller
Recording device AEG WU1052
49-m-Band; 19:00 UTC; Empfangsort Köln.
QSL_BBC_Funkhaus.jpg (719506)
Thorsten Brandenburg26.Jan.2010
Eigene Sammlung
QSL für Bericht vom 30.10.1981 Funkhaus in London
1865 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) Deutsch / German 0:52 MP3  201.35 KB
Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller   02.Jul.2006
Record date May.1967
Recorded by Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller
Recording device AEG WU1052
49-m-Band; 19:00 UTC; Empfangsort: Köln.
2021 play
Speech English 120sec MP3  1.83 MB
Georg Beckmann   05.Sep.2006
Broadcast from (year) 2006
Broadcast to (year) 2006
Record date 04.Sep.2006
Recorded by Georg Beckmann
Recording device Digital World Traveller
Die ersten 60 Sekunden sind DRM auf 1296 kHz, die zweiten 60 Sekunden AM 648 kHz. Abends, Empfang mit selbstgebauter Ferritantenne.
2341 play
Speech Italiano / Italian 1:21 MP3  478.27 KB
Mauro Segafredo   06.Aug.2007
Broadcast from (year) 1980
Broadcast to (year) 1980
Record date 27.Oct.1980
Recorded by Mauro Segafredo
Recording device Grundig C2001
3241 play
Speech English 2 min MP3  1.83 MB
Mike Edwards † 25.10.21   20.Mar.2012
Record date 1958
Recording device KB EWR60
Model Wire Recorder EWR60
Kolster Brandes Ltd. (KB, K.B., ITT); Foots Cray; GB
Extract from BBC Radio play "The Cliff End" taken from reel of recording wire. You will hear a change in the fidelity. There is a splice in the wire, (knot) at this point. For the part after the splice less sensitive wire was taken which shows quite a difference. Compare good sound from the clip "Music", which has been recorded with the EWR60 too.
3242 play
Music English 1 min 18 sec MP3  1.19 MB
Mike Edwards † 25.10.21   21.Mar.2012
Recording device KB EWR60
Model Wire Recorder EWR60
Kolster Brandes Ltd. (KB, K.B., ITT); Foots Cray; GB
Extract from recording of Radio show featuring Winifred Atwell playing "The Black and White Rag" During the recording you will hear a 100Hz hum the original recording machine or radio obviously had a problem. A new test recording was made from a modern radio using the machine in its current repaired condition and no evidence of hum existed, the recording was surprisingly good.
3781 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) English 26 seconds MP3  53.72 KB
Gwyn Griffiths   03.Apr.2015
Record date 03.Apr.2015
Recorded by Gwyn Griffiths
Recording device USB microphone and Apple Mac
Model Doppelröhren-Empfänger
Heimfunk GmbH, Hamburg
Loudspeaker is an Amplion AC4
3782 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) English 23 seconds MP3  45.94 KB
Gwyn Griffiths   03.Apr.2015
Record date 03.Apr.2015
Recorded by Gwyn Griffiths
Recording device USB microphone and Apple Mac
Model A3782
Philco Radio & Television Corp. of Great Britain Ltd.; London
5462 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) Deutsch / German 0:49 MP3  573.62 KB
Frank Markus Natterer   05.Oct.2020
Record date 1990
Recorded by Frank Natterer
Recording device Kenwood R-2000 mit Cassettenrecorder
Pausenzeichen mit Stationsansage, Schlag des Big Ben. Antenne: Groundplane, Länge ca. 7,5m Empfangsort: Nähe Kempten im Allgäu
5881 play
Speech English 36 Sec. MP3  575.53 KB
Heribert Jung   29.Apr.2021
Record date 26.Apr.2021
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device Panasonic Kamera “Lumix DMC-FZ200“
Model Stereomeister 300 Ch= HF45
Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke); Fürth/Bayern
Empfangen mit Grundig “Stereomeister 300“ auf Langwelle 198 kHz (BBC Radio 4), mit Freiantenne in Dortmund um 15 Uhr GMT
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Heribert Jung29.Apr.2021
eigenes Foto
Grundig Stereomeister 300, BBC auf der LW-Skala von 1965 sendet auch heute (2021) noch auf dieser Frequenz
6401 play
Speech English 19 Sek MP4  9.93 MB
Bruce Cohen   25.Dec.2022
Broadcast from (year) 2022
Broadcast to (year) 2022
Record date 25.Dec.2022
Recording device smartphone
Model TR130
Bush Radio; London
Endlich ist das Radio repariert, und funktioniert es zu meiner Zufriedenheit.
6421 play
Speech English 10 Sekunden MP4  7.20 MB
Bruce Cohen   26.Dec.2022
Broadcast from (year) 2022
Broadcast to (year) 2022
Record date 26.Dec.2022
Recording device smartphone
Model 8M-390
Toshiba Corporation; Tokyo
BBC5Live - Der Tonschalter hat 3 Bereiche: die Mittelstellung 'Music' ist die breiteste.
6461 play
Speech English 14 Sek MP4  6.92 MB
Bruce Cohen   17.Jan.2023
Broadcast from (year) 2023
Broadcast to (year) 2023
Record date 17.Jan.2023
Recorded by smartphone
Model Taschensuper T2
Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werke SSW, Electrogeräte); Berlin, München
Siemens Taschensuper T2 empfängt BBCfiveLive
6681 play
Speech English 0:29 MP3  284.05 KB
Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller   14.Mar.2023
Broadcast from (year) 2022
Broadcast to (year) 2023
Record date 13.Mar.2023
Recorded by Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller
Recording device PC-Soundkarte
Model DRM/AM/FM Receiver GR-228BP
Gospell Digital Technology; Chenzhou, Hunan
Zeit: 06:59 UTC
Frequenz: 3955 kHz
DRM Mode: D; SDC: 4 QAM; MSC: 64 QAM; BW: 10
S0: BBC WS E1C238
xHE-AAC 8kbps monoText
Protection: 0/0; Interleaver: 2sec
Entfernung Sender - Empfänger etwa 800 km
6701 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) English 0:30 MP3  283.99 KB
Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller   25.Mar.2023
Broadcast from (year) 2022
Broadcast to (year) 2023
Record date 25.Mar.2023
Recorded by Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller
Recording device PC-Soundkarte
Model DRM/AM/FM Receiver GR-228BP
Gospell Digital Technology; Chenzhou, Hunan
Frequenz: 3955 kHz
Zeit: 06:59 (UTC)
Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)
Mode: D; SDC: 4 QAM; MSC: 64 QAM; BW: 10
S0: BBC WS E1C238
Codec: xHE-AAC 8kbps; monoText
Protection: 0/0; Interleaver: 2sec
durchscrollender Text im LCDisplay "Weekend" (Journaline)
NF-Übertragungsbereich bis ca.12 kHz (Bild Spektrumsanalyse)
6721 play
Speech English 0:23 MP3  223.09 KB
Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller   02.Apr.2023
Broadcast from (year) 2021
Broadcast to (year) 2023
Record date 25.Mar.2023
Recorded by Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller
Recording device PC-Soundkarte
Abspann zur täglichen einstündigen Kurzwellensendung (05:00 bis 06:00 UTC) in Digital Radio Mondiale von Station Wooferton aus. Frequenzwechsel neu: statt 3955 kHz jetzt 5875 kHz. Entfernung Sender - Empfänger ca. 850 km DRM Parameter des Tonbeispiels: Wooferton Mode: D BW: 10 SDC: 4QAM MSC: 64QAM Protection : 0/0 Interleaver:2s S0: BBC WS E1C238 xHE-AAC 8kbps monoText Newsday [Journaline] Parameter der Sendungen auf der neuen Frequenz 5875 kHz: Wooferton Mode: B BW: 10 SDC: 4QAM MSC: 16QAM Protection : 0/0 Interleaver:2s S0: E1C238 BBC WS xHE-AAC 10kbps monoText S1: E1C138 BBC WS JL [Journaline] Empfangsgerät: Gospell GR 228 BP Antenne: eingebaute Teleskopantenne, Indoor Bedingungen.
7001 play
Speech English 0:27 MP3  272.06 KB
Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller   14.Oct.2023
Broadcast from (year) 2016
Broadcast to (year) 2023
Record date 06.Oct.2023
Recorded by Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller
Recording device Digitalkamera Agfa Photo Precisa 1430
Model DRM/AM/FM Digital Radio GR-216
Gospell Digital Technology; Chenzhou, Hunan
BBC World Service 3955 kHz Encompass Woofferton
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Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller15.Oct.2023
BBC Frequenzwechsel bereits ab KW 37
7101 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) English 00:00:18 MP3  709.31 KB
Nikolas Gerardo Valitutto   20.Mar.2024
Broadcast from (year) 1967
Broadcast to (year) 2024
Record date 19.Mar.2024
Recorded by Valitutto Nikolas Gerardo
Recording device Detrola 438
Model Beacon Receiver Model 438
Detrola; Detroit (MI)
BBC radio 4 on 198Khz, in the audio you can listen to the time signal at 22:00 GMT+0. This audio is recording from Italy at distance of 1864 Km
7121 play
Speech English 4 MP3  1.87 MB
Bruce Cohen   29.Mar.2024
Broadcast from (year) 2024
Record date 29.Mar.2024
Recorded by smartphone
Recording device smartphone
Model LX381B /00 /05 /07
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes international!); Miniwatt
BBC4, "last word"

This station entry was created by administrator Bernd P. Kieck.


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