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Broadcasting station - USA

Country USA Language Created on 29.Jan.2015

3701 play
Speech English 1:00 MP3  710.94 KB
Michael Schott   29.Jan.2015
Broadcast from (year) 2015
Broadcast to (year) 2015
Record date 23.Jan.2015
Recorded by Michael Schott
Recording device Siemens RK 651
WWCR (World Wide Christian Radio), QTH: Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 60-Meter-Band, 4840 KHz, 06:00 UTC, Website:
4541 play
Speech English 31 seconds MP3  730.13 KB
Craig Roberts   31.Dec.2018
Broadcast from (year) 2018
Broadcast to (year) 2018
Record date 31.Dec.2018
Recorded by Craig Roberts
Recording device iPhone
Model Neutrodyne Silvertone
King Manufacturing Corp.; Buffalo, NY
This very short clip demonstrates late night reception from Washington, DC of two DX(long distance) MW BC radio stations. The first is WGN, Chicago (594 mi./956 km distant). The second station -- with much better reception -- WSB, Atlanta, Georgia (543 mi/874 km). The somewhat limited selectivity of the TRF receiver degraded the WGN signal with noisy, adjacent station interference. The recording was made acoustically directly from one earpiece of a 1920s C. Brandes "Superior" headphone. The resulting recording is a fairly accurate representation of this radio's performance when listening on a pair of period correct, low fidelity headphones.
5483 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) English 0:39 MP3  449.27 KB
Frank Markus Natterer   05.Oct.2020
Record date 1990
Recorded by Frank Natterer
Recording device Kenwood R-2000 mit Cassettenrecorder
WCSN, Scotts Corners, Maine, USA Pausenzeichen mit Stationsansage. Antenne: Groundplane, Länge ca. 7,5m Empfangsort: Nähe Kempten im Allgäu
qsl_wcsn_usa_15610khz_15_06_1990_2115utc.jpg (2575811)
Frank Markus Natterer06.Oct.2020
eigene QSL-Sammlung
Empfangsbestätigung vom 15.06.1990 um 21:15 UTC auf 15610 kHz
5484 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) English 1:42 MP3  979.04 KB
Frank Markus Natterer   05.Oct.2020
Record date 1990
Recorded by Frank Natterer
Recording device Kenwood R-2000 mit Cassettenrecorder
WHRI World Harvest Radio Melodie mit Stationsansage in Englisch Antenne: Groundplane, Länge ca. 7,5m Empfangsort: Nähe Kempten im Allgäu
qsl_whri_usa_13760khz_07_07_1990_2300utc.jpg (2575812)
Frank Markus Natterer06.Oct.2020
eigene QSL-Sammlung
Empfangsbestätigung vom 07.07.1990 um 23:00 UTC auf 13760 kHz
5485 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) English 0:43 MP3  488.84 KB
Frank Markus Natterer   05.Oct.2020
Record date 1990
Recorded by Frank Natterer
Recording device Kenwood R-2000 mit Cassettenrecorder
WSHB, Cypress Creek, South Carolina, USA Pausenzeichen mit Stationsansage in Englisch und Deutsch. Antenne: Groundplane, Länge ca. 7,5m Empfangsort: Nähe Kempten im Allgäu
5486 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) Deutsch / German 0:57 MP3  671.33 KB
Frank Markus Natterer   05.Oct.2020
Record date 1990
Recorded by Frank Natterer
Recording device Kenwood R-2000 mit Cassettenrecorder
WYFR Familienradio, Florida, USA Stationsansage und Melodie Antenne: Groundplane, Länge ca. 7,5m Empfangsort: Nähe Kempten im Allgäu
qsl_wyfr_usa_15440khz_19_01_1986_1800utc.jpg (2575813)
Frank Markus Natterer06.Oct.2020
eigene QSL-Sammlung
Empfangsbestätigung vom 19.01.1986 um 18:00 UTC auf 15440 kHz

This station entry was created by administrator Bernd P. Kieck.


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