History of the manufacturer  

Ferranti, GB

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Name: Ferranti, GB    (GB)  
Abbreviation: ferranti
Products: Model types Others Tube manufacturer

Ferranti Ltd., Moston, Manchester; Founded by Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti, Incorporated in 1905 (Ferranti) producing electronic goods, e.g. transformers. Entered the valve business in 1933 with the first Heptode frequency changer in GB, the VHT4. Design and manufacturer of valves was in Hollinwood, Lancashire, later also in Moston, Gem Mill (near Oldham), Edinburgh and Dundee.

Founded: 1882
Closed: 1993
Production: 1930 -

This manufacturer was suggested by Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  29 Type 31 Mk.II (2)   no feet! 
GB  29 Type 31 Mk.I (1) S4V  flat top, small feet. 
GB  31–33 32 [console] S4VB   
GB  31 32 [table wood]   wooden cabinet. 
GB  30 32 [table metal] S4VB  Brown rexine-covered metal cabinet. 
GB  32 Kit Receiver   Safety switch operated by lid. 
GB  32 7 Valve Super-Het A1 D4   
GB  33 Lancastria Magna VHT4  The Lancastria Parva model has the same chassis but different cabinet 
GB  33 Gloria Consolette [clock] VPT4  See the similar Ferranti Gloria Consolette model variant without a clock.  
GB  33 Gloria Consolette [w/o clock] VPT4  A six stage mains superhet receiver with delayed AVC and tuning indicator. With rotary ton... 
GB  45 145E 6K8G   
GB  34 Gloria VHT4  el.clock. 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Publicità sul libro "RADIO" di Ernesto Montù 8°ed. 1932tbn_3809.jpg
Logo vom Datenblatt der Transistortypen ZTX750...753, vermutlich um 1982tbn_gb_ferranti_198x_logo.jpg
From: "Electronic Engineering" volume 37, year 1965. The 770 series of "Logical Circuit Elements.tbn_gb_ferranti_700_series_image.jpg
From: “Radio Rivista” official organ of "ARI Amateur. Radio Association." of Italy, number 10, October 1981. One of the first Television Receiver realized in England in 1937.tbn_gb_ferranti_tv_1937.jpg


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