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Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd. (STC); London, Foots Cray

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Name: Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd. (STC); London, Foots Cray    (GB)  
Micromesh tubes
Abkürzung: standard
Produkte: Modell-Typen Anderes Röhrenhersteller

Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd
Radio Merchandise Dept., St. Chads Place, 364 Grays Inn Road, London WC1 (ca. 1933)
Registered Offices: Columbia House, London WC2 (1930)
Rectifier Division, Warwick Road, Boreham Wood, Herts (1949)
Factories in Foots Cray, New Southgate, Hendon, North Woolwich and others. 

STC manufactured tube/valves, and later semiconductors, magnetic materials (Permalloy tapes), radio receivers and communication devices.

Brand names for valves/tubes are: Standard, Micromesh (1932-1933) and Brimar (1934-1960).

Brand name for magnetic materials was: Magnetic Materials Division with factory in Edinburgh Way, Harlow - Sussex 
From Electronic Engineering, volume 37 year 1965.

Gegründet: 1925
Geschlossen: 1991

In May 1883, Western Electric (USA) opened a small office and store in London. The business continued to grow and in 1910 they formed the private company Western Electric Co. When the International Telephone and Telegraph Company (ITT) aquired the international operations of Western Electric in September 1925, the company was renamed to Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd. (STC).

In 1938, Kolster-Brandes became part of STC.

Standard Telecommunication Laboratories Ltd. (STL, also used by STC Technology Limited) was established in 1945 in an existing plastics and cable factory in Progress Way, Enfield and later moved to Harlow, Essex. They deleveloped a double beam oscilloscope, wideband microwave link systems, telephone switching and telegraph applications, and semiconductors.

After a failed attempt at entering the Mainframe business with the takeover of ICL, and with dropping sales in the telecommunications sector, the company was acquired by Nortel in 1991.


STC first uses the brand Standard for their valves. From 1932 to 1933 the valves are marketed under the brand Micomesh, and after 1933 the brand Brimar (British made, American ratings) is used. The manufacturing plant was at Foots Cray in Kent.

Valves/tubes were continued to be advertised by STC. In 1949, the brand SenTerCel for selenium rectifiers was used.

The Brimar valve and cathode-ray tube division was sold to Thorn Electrical Industries Ltd. in 1960. For more details, see page 4 of "History of the British Radio Valve to 1940" by Keith R. Thrower, 1992 [570]


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

"Standard" logo from Standard 30MC User Instructions Nov 1933tbn_stc_logo_1933.jpg
ca. 1955tbn_gb_stc_address.jpg
From "Electronic Engineering" Volume 37 year 1965. A new serie of push-button made by Mayr, an associate of STC Company.tbn_gb_standard_telephone_products.jpg


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