Historia del fabricantes  

Roome, Harry V.; Los Angeles (CA)

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Nombre: Roome, Harry V.; Los Angeles (CA)    (USA)  
Abreviatura: roome
Productos: Modelos Fabricante de válvulas

940 West Twentieth Street Los Angeles CA.
Distributor of the Super-Sensitive Oscilaudion with double filament. In July 1916 he named the tube also ThermoTron (The Thermo Tron Company). An Investigator interviewed Harry V. Roome, who turned out to be a high-school boy who reveived a limited number of tubes from a San Francisco manufacturer (Moorhead?, Cunningham?). Ref.: Tyne, Saga of the vacuum tube.

Fundación: 1915
Cierre: 1916

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Wolfgang Scheida.

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

March 1916 The Wireless Age magazinetbn_usa_roome_admar16wirelessage180k.jpg
October 1915 The Wireless Age magazine page 75tbn_usa_roome_navytuner_ad_oct15wirelessage180k.jpg
October 1915 The Wireless Age magazine page 75tbn_usa_roome_navytuner_ad_oct15wirelessage180k_1.jpg
December 1915 The Wireless Age magazine page Itbn_usa_roome_ad_dec15wirelessage120k.jpg
Electrical Experimenter August 1916tbn_roome_oscillaudion_ee_816.png


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