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History of the manufacturer  

Foton; Tashkent

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Name: Foton; Tashkent    (SU)  
Abbreviation: foton
Products: Tube manufacturer

Foton; Tashkent
Фотон; Ташкент
Узбекистан , г. Ташкент ул. Амира Темура 13.


The company made a variety of tubes until 1965, when they focused on semiconductor devices only.

Founded: 1941
Production: 1942 - 1965

Since 1942: Союзное предприятия «Завод № 191 - Union Company Plant N°191

Since 1957: Союзное предприятие почтовый ящик № 125 - Union Company PO box N°125

Since 1966: Союзное предприятие почтовый ящик А-7869 - Union Company PO Box N°A-7869 and for open (mean non-secret) communication company name was Ташкентский завод электронной техники имени В. И. Ленина - Tashkent Plant of Electonic Technics named by V.I.Lenin.

Since 1975 company was a few times renamed to ПО «Фотон», АООТ «Фотон», and now - ОАО «Фотон» - Co. Foton.

On beginning of WW2 Electrovacuum Devices Plant Frjazino (founded in 1935) was evacuated to Tashkent. In 1942 company started production of oscillator and audion amplification vacuum tubes, f.e. Б-245, УБ-152, СБ-145, 2К2М, СБ-154, СО-243, СБ-245.

In 1957 company started development of semiconductor devices, f.e. diodes Д206-11, Д226, tranzistors П207-208, П208-210, П210-Ш, later П401-403, П601-606, diodes 2Д and 2ДММ.

In 1965 company transformed production to semiconductor and IC market only.

Between 1968-1981 production was growing up and a few new subsidiaries were founded: in 1968 in Almalyk, in 1974 Workshop N° 10 in Chirchik, in 1978 Workshop N°24 in Sovetabad (now Khanabad), in 1981 Workshop N°15 in Druzhba (now Pitkak).

In 1971 they started production of hybrid ICs ГИС 217.

In 1990 number of employee was over 14000 people.

Later, after desintegration of USSR since 1994 company started production of desk-cache, b/w and color TV, audio systems, fluorescent and other energy saving lamp.

This manufacturer was suggested by Fin Stewart.


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Foton logo oldtbn_su_foton_logo_old.jpg


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