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History of the manufacturer  

PACO Electronics Co., Inc.; Glendale, NY

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Name: PACO Electronics Co., Inc.; Glendale, NY    (USA)  
Abbreviation: paco
Products: Model types Brand

PACO Electronics Company, Inc., Division of Precision Apparatus Co.
70-31 84th Street, Glendale 27, New York (1963)

From ca. 1959 on, PACO Electronics was the kit division of Precision Apparatus for the sales of measurement instruments and Hi-Fi equipment in kit form.


This manufacturer was suggested by Hugo Sneyers.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  55–60 Sweep Generator G32 12AX7  TV-FM sweep generator 5 Freq. ranges: 3-7 Mc/ 6-14 Mc/ 13-33 Mc/ 35-85 Mc/ 80-213 Mc/ A... 
USA  60 Vacuum Tube Voltmeter (VTVM) V-70 6AL5  Seven ranges, 1.5-1,500V AC/DC.Seven ranges: 4 - 4,000 V P.P.,Resistance: 1 kΩ-1000 MΩ,dB:... 
USA  60 C-20 Resistance-Capacity Ratio Bridge 1629  Resistance-Capacity Ratio Bridge. Test Instruments in Kit-Form. Capacitance 10 µµ to 2000... 
USA  57 G-30 RF Signal Generator 6AU6  RF signal generator and TV/FM marker generator kit, 160 kHz to 240 MHz in 8 ranges, intern... 
USA  57 G-30PC RF Signal Generator 6AU6  RF signal generator and TV/FM marker generator kit, 160 kHz to 240 MHz in 8 ranges, intern... 
USA  55 Sine/Square - Generator G34 6BK7  Sine/Square Wave Generator, 6 Frequ. Ranges:7-12/12-120/120-1200/1200-12k/12k-120k/120k-75... 
USA  60 ST-35W   AC operated FM tuner. 
USA  59 SA-40W ECC83  AC operated stereo amplifier. 
USA  58 Battery Eliminator Kit B-10   PACO B-10 Battery Eliminator Kit: Special low-ripple 6V or 12V outputs (5 A max only), ... 
USA  58 T60 Tube Tester    
USA  60 Audio-RF Signal Tracer Kit Z-80 12AV6  Soprammobile basso con andamento orizzontale. Lo strumento consente: - traccia del segna... 
USA  58 Wide Band Oscilloscope (Kit) S-55 6AU8  Paco S-55 Wide Band 5" Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Kit; DC to 5 MHz. 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

particolare del frontespizio degli strumenti PACO Electronics Co.Inc.tbn_paco_electronics.jpg
logo della PACO Electronics Co. Inc.tbn_paco_p_a_c_o.jpg


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