History of the manufacturer  

Superfon; Helsinki

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Name: Superfon; Helsinki    (FIN)  
alternative name:
Oy Radio-Aitta Ab,
Abbreviation: superfon
Products: Model types Others

Superfone, brand name used by Oy Radio-Aitta Ab, Helsinki. Founded by Karl Emil Cedergren in 1933. Radio production from 1945 on.

Founded: 1933
Closed: 1963
Production: 1945 - 1958

This manufacturer was suggested by Lasse Nirhamo.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
FIN  48 Portable [Octal tubes] DK21  Portable Superfon 
FIN  49 Superfon-49/TV UF21  Superfon-49/TV has output for an external speaker. 
FIN  50 AR/50 EF42  There are different sets of tubes used in these models and different circuits too. Dime... 
FIN  52 V/52 [W-5247] ECH42   
FIN  50 50    
FIN  48 48    
FIN  50 Portable [Rimlock tubes] DK40   
FIN  49 49 DK21   
FIN  50 Unknown portable DK40   


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Superfon advertisement from Radio-magazine 8/1951tbn_fin_superfon__radio_8_1951.jpg


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