Historia del fabricantes  

Sideband Engineers Inc.; Rancho Santa Fe (CA)

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Nombre: Sideband Engineers Inc.; Rancho Santa Fe (CA)    (USA)  
alternative name:
Abreviatura: sideband
Productos: Modelos

Sideband Engineers (SBE); Rancho Santa Fe, California.
Production of mobile HAM equipments with latest transistor technology and advanced design.

Fundación: 1962
Producción: 1963 -
Mr. Faust Gonsett, founded the company Sideband Engineers in 1962.

Faust Gonsett, who spelled his name with two T's, was also the founder of Gonset, Inc.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Otmar Jung.

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

SBE advertising depicting Faust Gonsett introducing his new company, Sideband Engineers.tbn_us_sbe_1963_full_page_ad.jpg
SBE full page ad from the July 1966 issue of QST showing the relationship between SBE and Raytheon.tbn_us_sbe_full_page_ad_1966.jpg


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