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Panoramic Radio Corp.; New York (NY)

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Name: Panoramic Radio Corp.; New York (NY)    (USA)  
Abkürzung: panoramicr
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Panoramic Radio Corp.; New York, New York (~WWII).

Marcel Wallace, the inventor of the panoramic spectrum display, founded Panoramic Radio Corporation, of New York City, and was the primary promoter of panoramic radio displays from the 1930's through most of the 1950's. The company was reorganized as Panoramic Radio Products, of Mount Vernon, NY after problems caused by cancellation of military orders at the end of WWII. Much later the company was acquired by Singer. After the Singer sale, Wallace continued to do business as Panoramic Electronics, offering a single panadaptor model, PR-1, for amateur radio use.

Marcel Wallas received different patents like US 2,367,907 for "Panoramic Radio Receiver System, filed in November 21, 1941, granted January 23, 1945.

Diese Firma wurde von Wolfgang Scheida eingebracht.


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