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History of the manufacturer  

RCA Great Britain Ltd; Sunbury-on-Thames

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Name: RCA Great Britain Ltd; Sunbury-on-Thames    (GB)  
Abbreviation: rca-gb
Products: Model types

RCA Great Britain Ltd; Lincoln Way, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex; UK: An associated company of Radio Corporation of America.

There is also "RCA Photophone Ltd.", obviously an alternative name used by RCA Great Britain. Similar Amplifier type known, where the same manual depicts both types of address at the equipment labels.


This manufacturer was suggested by Keith Staines.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  56 Vice President LMI-32279 12AX7  Dual voltage version model LMI-32270. Suffix A = Light Oak chairside model, B = Walnut cha... 
GB  56 Vice President LMI-32270 12AX7  Single voltage version model LMI-32279. Suffix A = Light Oak chairside model, B = Walnut c... 
GB  56 New Orthophonic High-Fidelity Power Amplifier LMI-32216 A EF86  A 12 watt valve mono power amplifier for use with the RCA LMI-32215A Pre-Ampifier. With Hu... 
GB  56 Pre-Amplifier LMI-32215 A EF86  A hi-fi mono pre-amplifier which accompanies the RCA LMI-32216 A Power Amplifier. With con... 
GB  65 4 Speed Portable Record Player Chassis RTA 40 U381  Phono chassis: BSR Monarch controllo volume/tono/balance - commutatore mono/stero - gir... 


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