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Haydu Brothers, Plainfield, NJ

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Name: Haydu Brothers, Plainfield, NJ    (USA)  
Abkürzung: haydu
Produkte: Röhrenhersteller

Haydu Brothers was a little manufacturer located in Plainfield, New Jersey. Activity started in 1936. For many years their core business was the production of small hardware parts used by vacuum tube industry. Their customers were large manufacturers as Raytheon, RCA, Sylvania, G.E., Philco, Sperry and Westinghouse. After the war they employed about 500 people also producing vacuum tubes and television cathode ray tubes for other companies. Nixie displays and trochotron beam switching counters, first introduced by Haydu Bros. in 1955, were the results of joint designs with the research team of Burroughs.

The relation with Burroughs was not limited to the production of counting and indicating tube prototypes. In 1954 Burroughs bought the entire tube manufacturing plant, that still retained its identity for about two years. George and Zoltan Haydu themselves managed the plant until 1956. Then they moved to a new plant nearby as Haydu Industries, where continued manufacturing hardware parts.

Gegründet: 1936
John Haydu, a Hungarian immigrant, and his two sons George and Zoltan started building small machined mechanical parts for radio industry in 1936 as Excel Products Co. in Newark. Very soon they moved to Plainfield, New Jersey, as Haydu Brothers. During WWII they supplied a wide variety of small hardware parts to the largest tube manufacturers, as Sylvania, RCA, General Electric and Raytheon. Their production also included complex anode structures, both machined and welded, for multicavity magnetrons.
At the end of the war the plant employed about 500 people. In the early fifties Haydu Brothers added other production lines, including television vacuum tubes, also CRTs, for prime contractors as Sylvania, RCA and Magnavox.
Starting from 1954 the entire plant was transferred to Burroughs Corporation that was aiming to have its own tube manufacturing facilities. For about two years the two companies worked side by side and Haydu Brothers retained its identity as division of Burroughs. By 1957 the plant had changed its name to Burroughs, Electronic Tube Division, Plainfield, NJ.
In January 1956 George and Zoltan Haydu had started their new manufacturing activity for precision mechanical parts, the Haydu Electronic Products, Inc.

Diese Firma wurde von Emilio Ciardiello eingebracht.


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