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Shanghai 上海广播器材厂 Shanghai Broadcast Equipment Factory; Shanghai

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Name: Shanghai 上海广播器材厂 Shanghai Broadcast Equipment Factory; Shanghai    (PRC)  
Abkürzung: shanghBEF
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Shanghai Broadcast Equipment Factory; Shanghai: 上海广播器材厂: Brands: Shanghai 上海.


Shanghai Broadcast Equipment Factory; Shanghai: 上海广播器材厂 traditional 上海廣播器材廠:

Shàng​hǎi ​上海: Shanghai is a municipal city in East China, abbr. to 滬|沪. As municipality it is directly under the central government, without being part of a province but its own government can be in a certain district, here it is Huáng​pǔ​ District 黄浦区, trad. 黃浦區 in central Shanghai.
广播器材厂 (Broadcast Equipment Factory) = Guǎng​bō​ 广播, trad. 廣播 = Broadcast (broadcasting, to propagate, to publicize); Qì​cái​ 器材 = Equipment (material); Chǎng 厂 = Factory (yard / depot / workhouse / works / (industrial) plant​).

Shanghai 上海, English = Shanghai City.


General situation: May 27, 1949 the communist People's Liberation Army entered Shanghai and ended the Nationalist Government control. From 1949 to 1952, the new government gave a big support to private radio business, production generally improved, there were 558 telecommunications equipment manufacturers established in this period and 2032 workers employed. From 1952 to 1955, radio production increased 10-fold.

Factory history:On July 21st, 1952, the Broadcasting Material Division of Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station expanded into the first state-owned wireless assembling manufacturer - Eastern China Broadcasting Equipment Factory. In April 1953 it was renamed Shanghai People's Broadcasting Equipment Factory.

January 1955 it was again renamed: National Shanghai Broadcasting Equipment Factory. 1955. This factory made the first batch of type 155 five-tube radio under the new government in Feb. 1955. August the same year, pioneered production of Shanghai 354, Shanghai 355 five-tube two-band super-heterodyne radios using the assembly line technology. In Apr. 1956, started radio export, signaled the domestic industrialization of radio production in China.

In 1957, now named Shanghai Broadcasting Equipment Factory it started to develop a car radio for the Changchun No.1 Vehicle Factory's high end Red-Flag sedan, in Sep. 1958, it developed the Shanghai 382 auto-tuning car radio. During the research and development, the factory solved lattice coil and whip antenna production issues. Shanghai 382 was formally made from 1959, until the end of 1960, 643 Shanghai 382 car radios were made.

In April 1958, the factory made the first class1 Shanghai 131 seven-tube radio, this radio won the first prize in the Second National Broadcasting Radio Competition in 1959. 58,773 sets of Shanghai 131 were made, 6,700 were exported in the life time. In 1962, Shanghai 131 was transferred to Shanghai No. 2 Wireless Factory to manufacture.

Based on Shanghai 131, the Shanghai Broadcasting Equipment Factory developed Shanghai 531, a seven-tube four-band super-heterodyne floor standing radio and Shanghai 532, a 14-tube full-band super-heterodyne radio receiver, record player and sound recorder multifunctional radio. The models 531 and 532 exceeded national class1 radio standards. Between 1953 to 1957, the radio production of this factory accounted for 25.6% of national radio productions, many models were exported. From 1952 to 1959, major products from this factory are radios and amplifiers, a total of 13 types 58 models of radio were developed.


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