History of the manufacturer  

Supersonic (Spiegel, Inc); Chicago, IL

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Name: Supersonic (Spiegel, Inc); Chicago, IL    (USA)  
Abbreviation: supers-usa
Products: Model types

Supersonic (Spiegel, Inc)
1061 W. 35th St.
Chicago, IL 60609   (1971)

Supersonic is a brand of transistor consumer electronics distributed by Spiegel, Inc.


This manufacturer was suggested by Georg Richter.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  67 Supersonic    
USA  65 8 Transistor G-803   Supersonic 8 Transistor G-803; Made in Japan 
USA  70 HiFi Four Speakers 12FA66   Supersonic HiFi Four Speakers High Fidelity Stereo-Matic Sound 12FA66; AFC, manufacture... 
USA  68 11 Transistor Solid State High Fidelity   Supersonic AM/FM/AFC Table Radio Model 11 Transistor Solid State High Fidelity. Phono, MP... 
USA  75 NR-20F4   Made in Korea 
USA  65 RF High Sensitivity Twelve Transistor G-5   Very similar to Saturn. 
USA  65 12 Transistor G-31 Japan 713   Made in Japan 713 
USA  65 14 Transistor (Japan 903)   Externally similar to the models reported under Encore 12 Transistor. Similar circ... 
USA  51 Aircastle 603-PR-8.1 6SA7GT  Aircastle model 603-PR-8.1 is an AC operated combination phono-recorder-radio, superhetero... 
USA  51 Aircastle 610.D200 6BA6  Aircastle model 610.D200 is a battery operated custom built automotive superheterodyne rec... 


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