History of the manufacturer  

Garod Canada; (where?)

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Name: Garod Canada; (where?)    (CDN)  
Abbreviation: garodcan
Products: Model types

Garod Canada; (where?)


This manufacturer was suggested by Hans-Joachim Korn † 16.11.15.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
CDN  49 4A-1B 1R5  Built-in loop antenna. See also "Garod Radio Corp. - USA", but this model is ... 
CDN  49/50 4A-2B 1R5  Built-in loop antenna.. See also "Garod Radio Corp. - USA". 
CDN  50 CA-616 6SA7  Built-in loop antenna; push-pull af output. 
CDN  50 617 6SA7  Built-in loop antenna; push-pull af output. 
CDN  49/50 5K-1 1R5  Built-in loop antenna. See also "Garod Radio Corp. - USA". 
CDN  50 618 6SA7  Built-in loop antenna; push-pull af output. 


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