Informations sur le fabricant  

Harbin 哈尔滨新生开关厂 Harbin Xinsheng Kaiguan Factory; Harbin (Heilongjiang, NE)

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Nom: Harbin 哈尔滨新生开关厂 Harbin Xinsheng Kaiguan Factory; Harbin (Heilongjiang, NE)    (PRC)  
Abréviation: harbinXKF
Produits: Modèles

Harbin Xinsheng Kaiguan Factory; Harbin (Heilongjiang, NE) 哈尔滨新生开关厂: Developing site for the first fully China made transistor radio.


Harbin Xinsheng Kaiguan Factory; Harbin (Heilongjiang, NE) 哈尔滨新生开关厂:

Hēi​lóng​jiāng​ 黑龍江, trad. 黑龙江 or Hēi​lóng​jiāngshěng​ 黑龍江省 (shěng​ 省 = province):​ The province Heilongjiang (Heilungkiang) is in Northeast China (NE), abbr. 黑. The capital is Harbin 哈尔滨. The Heilongjiang river is forming the border between northeast China and Russia, also called Amur river.
Hā​'ěr​bīn​ 哈尔滨, trad. 哈爾濱 or Hā​'ěr​bīnshì​ 哈尔滨市: Harbin is a subprovincial city (市) and the capital of the Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江 in northeast China.
Xīn​shēng​ 新生, English = "newborn" (new student); Kāi​guān​ 开关, trad. 開關, Egnlish = power switch (to open a gate).
Chǎng​ 厂 trad. 廠 = Factory (yard / depot / workhouse / works / (industrial).

Brands: Songhuajing 松花江 (Songhua River).
Songhuajing: The Songhua River from the Jilin province is flowing 吉林省 through Harbin 哈尔滨, a tributary of Heilongjiang 黑龍江|黑龙江.

It is the developer of China's first real own transistor radio including parts for a pocket sized radio. The protoype was finished on 28 Sep, 1958 and introduced to the authorities by the chief designer Hedehe 何德和. See photo on the model page. The sample model had no name, but only the brand Songhuajing 松花江. 1970, the enigeneering site changed its name to "Harbin 4th Radio Factory" 哈尔滨无线电四厂.


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