History of the manufacturer  

Musicalnastro S.P.A. (Musicalsound); Milano

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Name: Musicalnastro S.P.A. (Musicalsound); Milano    (I)  
Abbreviation: musicalnas
Products: Model types

Musicalnastro S.P.A. (Musicalsound); Milano

Musicalnastro, Musicalsound, fu il produttore del celebre mangiadischi Penny negli anni Settanta e Ottanta.

Musicalnastro, Musicalsound, fut le fabricant du célèbre Mange disque Penny pendant les années 1970-1980.

Founded: 1974
Production: 1974 - 1985

This manufacturer was suggested by Jacky Parmentier.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
74 Mangiadischi (Mange disque) Penny   Penny est un célèbre mange disque seulement pour 17 cm 45 rpm disques ("Single") qui a été... 
75 Fanny   Fanny record player for single records only,ABS plastic cabinet with slide-in carrying han... 
80 ST 600 PS   2 speed player (33/45 rpm), separate L/R volume and tone control, acoustic speakers with 2... 


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