History of the manufacturer  

Precision Meter Co. Inc.; Brooklyn, NY

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Name: Precision Meter Co. Inc.; Brooklyn, NY    (USA)  
Abbreviation: precis-mcb
Products: Model types

Precision Meter Corporation Inc.
126 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Founded: 1956

Founded April 13, 1956, by Harry Lederman, Charles Bernstein and Roman Sicho, with business commencing in August/September 1956. Both Ledermann and Bernstein previously worked at the Electronic Instrument Company, a competitor of Precision Apparatus Co.

In a proceeding before the NY Supreme Court, December 27, 1956, Precision Apparatus sucessfully petitioned against Precision Meter Co. for unfair competition - enjoining the latter from the continued use of the name Precision Meter Co.

It was found that Precision Meter willfully used a similar name as, set up their business in a close location to, and operated in the same area of business as Precision Apparatus - in a deliberate intention to deceive and mislead the public in the electronic field that the two companies would be allied or connected.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  35 Tube Tester 815   The Precision 815 Tube Tester is a large countertop model tube tester. It is the same a... 


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