Historia del fabricantes  

British General Manufacturing Company, London

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Nombre: British General Manufacturing Company, London    (GB)  
Abreviatura: britishgen
Productos: Modelos

British General Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Brockley Works, London, S.E. 14

Mentioned in "Valves for Commercial Receivers 1931-1935". Names, models and tubes only available. Also mentioned in Wireless Weekly, November 16th, 1927.


Este fabricante fue propuesto por Roy Johnson.

[rmxhdet-sp dsp_hersteller_detail]

Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

Amateur Wireless 5th October 1929 Page 493tbn_gb_british_general_anzeige_1929.jpg
Cover of British General catalogue circa 1930 featuring three radio sets. (My collection.)tbn_britishgeneral_cat2.jpg
Text from British General catalogue circa 1930 featuring three radio sets. (My collection.)tbn_britishgeneral_text1.jpg
Back of British General catalogue circa 1930 featuring three radio sets. (My collection.)tbn_britishgeneral_cat1.jpg


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