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Moon Radio AB; Stockholm

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Name: Moon Radio AB; Stockholm    (S)  
Abkürzung: moon
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Moon Radio AB; Stockholm, was established by Tryggve Sundin propably in the year 1934, but he had by then sold radios with the brand Moon some years before that in a small scale in the business bearing his own name: "Firma Tryggve Sundin". Radios with the brand Moon sold ca 1932-40. The company specialized in importing tubes and components for the radio industry. During the war years they were also involved in the establishment of domestic production.

Tryggve Sundin died in 1973 and his sons took over. Moon is still active as importer and wholesaler in home electronics but with new owners and now in Surahammar. Most (or possibly all)radios with the brand Moon are made by other manufacturers.


Diese Firma wurde von Anders Söderström eingebracht.


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