Informations sur le fabricant  

Mortimer Radio Corp. (Melco); New York, NY

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Nom: Mortimer Radio Corp. (Melco); New York, NY    (USA)  
Abréviation: mortimer
Produits: Modèles

Mortimer Radio Corporation
114-116 Fulton Street
New York City, New York

Trade Name: "Melco"

Fondé: 1922
Fermé: 1923

In July, 1922, the Mortimer Radio Company was incorporated and began advertising under the Melco name. By February, 1923, it introduced the Melco Supreme, using Telos Vario-Transformers. In May, 1923 Mortimer merged with Amsco (Advance Metal Stamping Company) owned by the Price brothers, attorneys who had acted for Mortimer in its incorporation. Westinghouse won a suit against Amsco, for infringement of the regeneration patent, in early 1925. The Price's sold out to the De Jur brothers in 1928, soon withdrawing from the DeJur-Amsco Company. 

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014


Détails complémentaires fournis par les membres :

November 1922 The Radio Dealer magazine page 44tbn_usa_melco400_nov22radiodealerpg44.jpg
December, 1922 Electrical Export magazine page A25tbn_usa_melco_type_400_dec._1922_electrical_export_pa25.jpg
May, 1923 The Electragist magazine page 54 Announcement of merger between Mortimer and Amsco.tbn_usa_melco_may_1923_the_electragist_p.jpg


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