Historia del fabricantes  

Graham Farish Ltd.; Bromley

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Nombre: Graham Farish Ltd.; Bromley    (GB)  
Abreviatura: graham
Productos: Mayorista de válvulas

Graham Farish Ltd, 153 Mansion's Hill, Bromley, Kent:
Non-manufacturer. Sold tubes under the Ring brand with his own designation.

Wireless World November 22, 1935 lists 15 tubes offered by the company. 

Producción: 1935 - 1937

The company began making radio components in 1919. Owned by Thomas Graham Farish, the company expanded in the 1920's to also make electric fires (radiators), water pumps and lids for vacuum sealing glass jars. It was one of the first companies to use bakelite. In World War Two, the company was engaged in diecasting, general engineerng and electronics. After the War, production shifted to toy train manufacture and this became the sole industry for them. 

In 2001 the company was sold to Kader Industries of Hong Kong and was merged with Bachmann Industries, one of Kader's subsidiaries. The British factory was closed and all production moved to China.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Peter den Boer.

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

UK Radio Contact Vol.1 No.1 1935 S.2 (
Graham Farish radio choke c. 1930tbn_graham_farish_radio_choke_e1021.jpg

Contribuciones en el Foro acerca de este fabricante
Graham Farish Ltd.; Bromley
Hilos: 1 | Mensajes: 1
Entradas: 597     Réplicas: 0
Filt Pertcolative Earth
Jörg Holtzapfel

Weil derzeit ein Änderungsvorschlag betr. Firmenhistorie läuft und bisher auf nur zwei Röhren angelegt sind, mache ich diesen Beitrag auf - mit der Frage, ob nicht jemand Lust und Zeit hat den "Filt Pertcolative Earth" anzulegen.

Ich wollte nur die Info liefern.

Quelle: Radio Pictorial Heft v. 13.04.1934 Seite 23


Graham Farish Ltd.; Bromley
Fin de las contribuciones al foro de fabricante


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