History of the manufacturer  

Sonoko; (where?)

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Name: Sonoko; (where?)    (PRC)  
Abbreviation: sonoko
Products: Model types

Sonoko; (where?)

Portable Cassette Recorder model CR 1607 and colour TV models (i.e.6036, 6050, 6051, etc) known.


This manufacturer was suggested by Emilio Focosi.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
PRC  90 Portable Cassette Recorder CR-1607   Incorporated microphone; 1,5V x 4, UM2 type, C size battery or equivalent; tape counter; D... 
PRC  90 Compact Disc Component SCD 1199   Stereo Radio with CD player and cassette recorder/player. Record only from radio. Jack ... 
PRC  88 Dynamic Sound SCD 1100    
PRC  95 FM Stereo Radio Cassette Player WM2212    


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