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Audio Vox Intercom Inc.; Montreal

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Nombre: Audio Vox Intercom Inc.; Montreal    (CDN)  
Abreviatura: audiovoxi
Productos: Modelos

Audio Vox Intercom Inc.; 9720 Waverly, Montreal

Electronic loudspeaker type intercommunication equipments with selective device by buttons, keys, rotary or dial switches; desk or wall type; for the purpose of intercommunicating between departments or parts of a building or concern.
Telephone type intercommunication equipments, using a handset containing a microphone and an earphone; with selective device by buttons, keys, rotary or dial switches; desk or wall type; for the purpose of intercommunicating between departments or parts of a building or concern.
Sound reinforcing and public address equipments including electronic amplifiers to amplify signals from microphones, pick-up cartridges, radio tuners or recorders; loudspeakers and enclosures for same, to reproduce such amplified signals; for purpose of message or music diffusion; for domestic or commercial applications.


Este fabricante fue propuesto por Gottfried Silberhorn.

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