History of the manufacturer  

Novel Dempa Co., Ltd.; Tokyo

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Name: Novel Dempa Co., Ltd.; Tokyo    (J)  
Abbreviation: noveldemco
Products: Model types

Novel Dempa Co., Ltd.
108 Kanasugi-Kami-machi, Taito-ku
Tokyo, Japan (1962)

Novel Dempa Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of transistor radios, tranceivers, and battery chargers for numerous brands.  These brands include Nichinan, Dream, Joni, Trans-ette, Truetone, Olympic, Coronado, Top-Notch, Monarch, Star-Lite, Petit (battery charger).


This manufacturer was suggested by Wolfgang Scheida.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
55 United Deluxe RN-5 1R5  United Deluxe RN-5. See also Novel Dempa RN-5. 
55 RN-4B 1R5  Radio à lampe portable sur pile 45/1.5 volts. Pas de haut parleur, seulement un écouteur. ... 
70 R-66 2SA71  Gehäuse aus Sperrholz mit Kunstleder überzogen. Prägung im Kunstleder. Im Deckel eingek... 
55 RN-5 1R5  See also United Deluxe RN-5. 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Company Nametbn_j_noveldempacoltd_address.jpg


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