History of the manufacturer  

Manhattan Electrical Supply Co. Inc. (Mesco); New York, NY

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Name: Manhattan Electrical Supply Co. Inc. (Mesco); New York, NY    (USA)  
Abbreviation: manhattan
Products: Model types Tube manufacturer

Manhattan Electrical Supply Company
17 Park Place, New York City, New York (main office 1921)

Besides the three New York branches there were also ones in Chicago, Saint Louis, and San Francisco. The company had factories in Jersey City, N.J., Saint Louis, MO. and Ravenna, Ohio.

Trade names: MESCO, Elite

The company sold tubes with the brand name Gould where the manufacturer is currently unknown.

A battery eliminator rectifier tube type 2721 was made by the company, according to printing on the tube box and this has the brand MESCO. These were made in limited quantities. 


This manufacturer was suggested by Alan Larsen.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  25 Symphonic    
USA  27 Junior 2554   Fibrous horn. Base covered with felt. 
USA  23 The Concert Modulator 2555    
USA  25 2551    
USA  25 Concert Modulator Cabinet Horn Speaker   The Concert Modulator as Cabinet Horn Speaker shows nice ornate woodwork. There are two me... 
USA  25 2552    
USA  21 Crystal Detector Stand [(Made by Wireless Specialty Co.)]   Manhattan Electrical Supply Co. MESCO crystal detector stand. This detector was made by Wi... 
USA  24 Red Seal Variable Condenser    
USA  14 Marconi Type Variable Condenser    This variable condenser appears in the Manhattan Electrical Supply Company catalo... 
USA  15 Elite - Battery Ammeter   Watchcase style. For up to 35 (m?)A.   
USA  15 Rotary Spark GAP   Part of RF-Transmitter. 
USA  16 Mesco Short Wave Regenerative Receiver   Armstrong regenerative type. 180 to 450 meters. 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Undated advert MESCO batteriestbn_mesco_battery_ad.jpg


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