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History of the manufacturer  

Nytone; (where?)

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Name: Nytone; (where?)    (J)  
Abbreviation: nytone
Products: Model types

Nytone made amplifiers and radios.


This manufacturer was suggested by Mark Hippenstiel.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
64 SA-2000 12AX7  2-channel stereo amplifier in gold-colored sheet metal case. Gold-colored plastic front co... 
60 Stereo Tuner AF-202   Two tuners with separate tuning indicators. Plays AM, FM or AM and FM. Two dial scales. M... 
66 Solid State Hi-Fi Stereo Amplifier STR700   Nytone STR700 Solid State Hi-Fi Stereo Amplifier; 3 + 3 W, 50 - 15.000 Hz, 4 - 16 ohms,... 
61 NY-10 6CA4  The NT-10 is a Monaural Public Adress Tube Amplifier. Technically, it has great sim... 


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