History of the manufacturer  

Echophone Manufacturing Co.; Los Angeles, California

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Name: Echophone Manufacturing Co.; Los Angeles, California    (USA)  
Abbreviation: echophonel
Products: Model types

The Echophone Manufacturing Company was located at 6721 Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.

There was some relationship between Echophone Mfg. Co. and Ufonics.

Founded: 1927
Production: - 1930
Company President: A.U. Mangan Chief Engineer: Bernard Smith Production Engineer: Lou B. Brittain Design Engineer: Frank Jones (Who previously designed radio equipment for Remler, Magnavox, Jensen, Gilfillan Baldwin and others)

This manufacturer was suggested by Alan Larsen.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  29 C [Tombstone] 201A  Appears to be a later (?) production Model C, same chassis with one control less (react... 


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