History of the manufacturer  

Jibelux, Jean Borck; Luxembourg

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Name: Jibelux, Jean Borck; Luxembourg    (L)  
Abbreviation: jibelux
Products: Model types

Jibelux, 19 Rue Albert Ier, Luxembourg

Constructeur/distributeur Jean Borck.

Founded: 1934

This manufacturer was suggested by Alessandro De Poi.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
35 Unbekannt - Unknown 2    
34/35 Modèle 1935    
34/35 Modèle 1934 2A7  Jibelux Modèle 1934 enthält einen elektrodynamischen Lautsprecher des US-Herstellers Rola ... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Jibelux advertisement, Wort September 10th, 1934tbn_l_jibelux_ad1934.jpg


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