History of the manufacturer  

True Blue (Brand); Brightson Laboratories, Inc.; Newark, New Jersey

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Name: True Blue (Brand); Brightson Laboratories, Inc.; Newark, New Jersey    (USA)  
Abbreviation: trueblue
Products: Tube manufacturer

Brightson Laboratories, Inc.
 67-73 Winthrop Street Newark, New Jersey, USA

Brand: True Blue

Short lived radio tube manufacturer who advertised the "The Finest Radio Tube in the World," with a 60- day mechanical guarantee and to permit users to buy direct or from dealers with a 10 -day return. [1]


Tubes had a blue glass envelope with a mahogany-colored Bakelite base.

Tubes were shipped in a Jewell type, velvet lined case.

Founded: 1925
Closed: 1925
Production: 1925 - 1925

George E. Brightson Is President of New Radio Tube Manufacturing Organization

Chairman of Board of Directors of the Sonora Phonograph Co., Inc., Is now Identified with the Radio Industry as Head of the Brightson Laboratories, Inc., of Newark, N. J.

The talking machine trade will be interested to learn that one of the foremost members of the industry, George E. Brightson, has become identified with radio activities and is now the president of the Brightson Laboratories, Inc.,with a factory and executive offices in Newark, N. J. Mr. Brightson is chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sonora Phonograph Co., Inc., and is widely known as a pioneer executive of the talking machine industry.
The Brightson Laboratories, Inc., is manufacturing a new radio tube which is known as "True Blue." This product was developed and perfected under Mr. Brightson's personal direction, together with several prominent engineers, who have been associated with radio activities for many years. The tube will be introduced to the trade through the medium of an extensive sales publicity campaign which is now being prepared. Sales plans are being worked out very carefully and will be reinforced by publicity of every conceivable type.

Through his many years' association with the talking machine industry, Mr. Brightson has become intimately familiar with the qualifications of the talking machine dealer as a merchandiser. When the "True Blue Tube" was perfected he immediately decided that the talking machine dealer was an ideal outlet for distributing this product and he has made arrangements accordingly.

The "True Blue" tube, as its name implies, is a blue tube, the color effect being achieved through use of blue glass. This special blue glass has qualities that are valuable and are an aid to reception. It is distinctive in appearance and is radically different from any tube on the market. It has a genuine Bakelite base finished in mahogany color with sterling silver contact points that represent a new development in tube manufacture. Each "True Blue" tube is packed in an attractive container similar to a jewel case in appearance. This not only enhances the sales appeal of the product but protects it in transit.

One of the technical heads of the Brightson laboratories, Inc., in referring to the new tube said, "The 'True Blue' tube has several exclusive features which cannot fail to appeal to the radio expert as well as the fan. We have devoted particular attention to the subject of tone quality, and we are promising the trade absolute uniformity in the production of our tube. We have also perfected non-microphonic principles which represent a step forward in tube construction, and we are merchandising our tubes accompanied by a certificate of guarantee."

George E. Brightson needs no introduction to the talking machine trade as his association with Sonora interests dates back to 1913. He is recognized everywhere as a capable and keen executive whose study of the phonograph industry has enabled him to gain an intimate knowledge of every phase of merchandising. Mr. Brightson's associates in his new company include well-known manufacturers and engineers whose previous connections will qualify them to become identified with Mr. Brightson's plans and policies. Full details regarding the personnel of the organization will be announced in the near future.[2]

The Brightson Laboratories patents for the True Blue was filed on Jan 8, 1925, ser. No 207,808.[3]

True Blue tubes were sold in Australia by Parsons & Whittemore Ltd., Sydney NSW.[4]

[1] Radio Broadcast Advertiser, June 1925, Page 156a.
[2] Extract from The Talking Machine World Nov 15, 1924, Page 126
[3] Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office, Volume 349, Aug 31, 1926, Page 966.
[4] Wireless Weekly (AU) June 26, 1925, page 2.

This manufacturer was suggested by Geri Meier.


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

[1] Radio Broadcast Advertiser, June 1925, Page 156a. With permission of Americanradiohistory.comtbn_us_trueblue_1_radio_broadcast_june_1925_page_156a.jpg
[3] Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office, Volume 349, Aug 31, 1926, Page 966.tbn_us_trublue_3_gazette_of_the_usa_pat_office_vol_349_aug_31_1926_page_966..jpg
[4] Wireless Weekly(AU) June 26, 1925, Page 2.tbn_us_trueblue_4_wireless_weekly_au_june_26_1925_page_2.jpg
Brightson Logo, Box innentbn_brightsonlogoinnen-kopie_klein.jpg
Brightson Logo, Box aussentbn_brightsonlogoaussen-kopie_klein.jpg
Amateur Radio February 1925tbn_brightson_amateur_r_225.png
Brightson Tube Review - Radio News April 1925tbn_brightson_rn_4_25.png
Radio World 28 February 1925tbn_brightson_rw28825.png
True blue tube booklet c. 1925tbn_brightsontrue_blue_booklet_c._1925.jpg
Set of 5 "True Blue 201A type tubestbn_brightson_set_of_5_tubes_c._1925.jpg


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