Hersteller - Information und Geschichte  

University / University Graham Instruments Pty. Ltd., Radio Equipment Pty. Ltd.; Sydney

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Name: University / University Graham Instruments Pty. Ltd., Radio Equipment Pty. Ltd.; Sydney    (AUS)  
Abkürzung: university
Produkte: Modell-Typen Anderes

Radio Equipment Pty. Ltd.
E.S.& A. Bank Buildings, 200 Broadway, Sydney (1938-1945)
375 Kent Street, Sydney (1945-1947)
5 North York Street, Sydney (1947-1950)

University Graham Instruments Pty Ltd.
5 North York Street, Sydney

Brand: University

The brand "University" was used on instruments and radios manufactured by Radio Equipment Pty Ltd, University Graham Instrument Co. and University Graham Instruments Pty Ltd. They were well known for their meters, signal generators, valve testers and they manufactured industrial and mining equipment

Gegründet: 1938

Radio Equipment Pty. Ltd. was registered by Lancelot B. Graham and his wife, Ethel, on October 12, 1938.[1] The 1939 edition of the Radio Trade Annual lists LB Graham as Managing Director & Principal of the Australian Radio College and Managing Director of Radio Equipment Pty. Ltd. [2]

In early 1950 they had changed their name to University Graham Instrument Co. and in 1951 became University Graham Instruments Pty. Ltd.

University Graham Instruments Pty. Ltd. and Paton Electrical joined together to become University Paton Instruments​ (UPI) in the mid 1980's.

[1] The Sun (NSW ) Oct 12, 1938, Page 27.
[2] Radio Trade Annual, 1939, page 107.

Diese Firma wurde von Stuart Irwin eingebracht.


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

Advertisement showing the complete range of University brand test instruments, prices and agents throughout Australia. From: The Australasian Radio World, September 1948tbn_aus_university_advert.jpg
[1] Registered on October 12, 1938. The Sun (NSW ) Oct 12, 1938, Page 27.tbn_aus_univerau_1_the_sun_nsw_oct_12_1938_p27.jpg
[2] RTA 1929, lists LB Graham as MD & Principal of the ARC and MD of Radio Equipment Pty. Ltd. Radio Trade Annual, 1939, page 107.tbn_aus_universau_2_rta39_page_107.jpg
Advert for a Multimeter from October 1946. Radio & Hobbies, Oct 1946, Page 63.tbn_aus_univerau_r_h_1946_p63.jpg


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