Informazioni sul produttore  

Van Horne Tube Company; Franklin, OH (see also Musselman)

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Nome: Van Horne Tube Company; Franklin, OH (see also Musselman)    (USA)  
Abbreviazione: van-horne
Prodotti: Modelli Costruttore di valvole

Van Horne Tube Company in Franklin, Ohio was mainly manufacturing tubes, but made also some test equipment like a tube checker, some radios and a short wave converter. Ted Flewelling designed the short wave converter.


We don't have the picture yet about Van Horne tubes and Musselman.
Gerald F.J. Tyne wrote on page 359 in his book Saga of the Vacuum Tube): Musselman 1925: Made by A. J. Musselman - The Van Horne Co., Franklin, Ohio. And on page 364: Van Horne 1926, Made by the Van Horne Company, 1004 Center Street, Franklin, Ohio. We did not find any tube type of them in this book.

Interesting is the address we find on the box: Chicago, not Franklin, Ohio. And: If you look at the pictures for the Van Horne tube 3VA there is a picture of the Van Horne tube box with a Musselman data sheet inside for the 3VA.


Late in 1931, the Joyce Cridland Co of Dayton, Ohio purchased the radio manufacturing assets of the Van Horne Tube Company of Franklin, Ohio. Then it became the name "Franklin Radio Corporation" in Dayton, OH. This might be wrong:

Radio Collector's guide 1921-1932 names 3 radios for Franklin in 1926: Big Five, Cheltenham, Consolette and Portable. We show also an unknown 3 tube radio for UV tubes. Then there is a jump for 1931


Ulteriori particolari per questo produttore inviate dai soci:

Van Horne ad from 1927 for the 5VCX and 5VDtbn_vanhorne_ad_1927_tubes.jpg
unsourced advert c. 1926tbn_van_horne_advert_unsourced.jpg
Popular Science January 1927tbn_van_horne_ps_127.png
Radio News October 1926tbn_van_horne_rn_1026.png
Radio News August 1926tbn_van_horne_rn826.png
Radio News September 1926tbn_van_horne_rn926.png
Radio Retailer and Jobber, July 1929tbn_van_horne_rr_j_july_1929.png
Radio news October 1927tbn_van_horne_rn1027.jpg


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