Informazioni sul produttore  

Miller Radio Co., A. H.; Detroit, Michigan

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Nome: Miller Radio Co., A. H.; Detroit, Michigan    (USA)  
Abbreviazione: millerah
Prodotti: Modelli

In the November 1924 edition of The Radio Trade Directory on page 73, under the heading, manufacturers of crystal sets, the A. H. Miller Radio Company was located at 1220 20th Street in Detroit, Michigan. Apparently the company moved because in the November 1925 edition of The Radio Trade Directory on page 119, under manufacturers of crystal sets, the A. H. Miller Radio Company was located at 1259 West Grand Boulevard in Detroit, Michigan.


Questo produttore è stato proposto da Alan Larsen.


Ulteriori particolari per questo produttore inviate dai soci:

Advertising in "Radio Digest" 1924-02-02. Note the hint on "B-Metal", which means "B-Metal Refining Co". Formerly advertisements for the same Crystal used that name.tbn_miller_ah_adv.png


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