History of the manufacturer  

Coby Electronics Corporation; Lake Success (NY)

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Name: Coby Electronics Corporation; Lake Success (NY)    (USA)  
Abbreviation: cobyelectr
Products: Model types Others

Coby Electronics Corporation; Lake Success, New York.


"This company also does business under the name of Coby Electronics Inc. and Foshan Coby Electronics Corporation.

With offices and factories around the world (including the United States, Mexico, and China). With the joint efforts of Coby Electronics Co. of Hong Kong and Coby Electronics Corp. of the United States the products have reached consumers in Asia, North America, South America and Europe; however, the company mostly sells in Europe and the United States."

Founded: 1992
2012 active company see

This manufacturer was suggested by Wolfgang Scheida.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  04 9 Band AM/FM/SW Pocket Radio CX-CB91   The Coby CX-CB91 is a 9 band AM/FM/SW portable radio with clock and alarm function.&n... 
USA  ? AM/FM/TV1/TV2/Weather Band Receiver CX-18   Coby AM/FM/TV1/TV2/Weather Band Receiver CX-18; Earphones jack. Maybe 110/220 V switcha... 
USA  ? Dynamic Sound Mini Speaker System CS-P31   For CD and Mini Disk player. 
USA  06 Mini Sport AM/FM Pocket Radio CX-71   Belt Clip. DBBS (Dynamic Bass Boost System). Colors: Red, Blue, Green, Orange and Silve... 
USA  08 CD Player with AM/FM Stereo Tuner CX-CD241    
USA  ? CX-50    


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