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Tettex, Elektrische Präzisions-Messgeräte; Zürich

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Nome: Tettex, Elektrische Präzisions-Messgeräte; Zürich    (CH)  
Abbreviazione: tettex

Tettex, Zürich.

Tettex Instruments was founded by Paul Müller in 1945. Tettex produces high precision measuring and diagnostic instruments in the field of insulation and transformer measurements.
Since 1995 part of Haefely Test AG, Basel.

In 1904, Emil Haefely founded Haefely AG. Based on a patented design for manufacturing resin-impregnated paper insulators, the company grew fast and expanded into high voltage testing in 1922. Over the years, Mr. Haefely became a specialist in the fabrication of electrical apparatus, bushings, and capacitors in insulation technology and high-voltage testing equipment. It is still existing in Basel - with a Beijing office in China. They use also the name of Tettex.

Fondata: 1945
Chiusa: 1995

Questo produttore è stato proposto da Otmar Jung.


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