Informazioni sul produttore  

Venner Electronics Ltd.; New Malden

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Nome: Venner Electronics Ltd.; New Malden    (GB)  
Abbreviazione: venner
Prodotti: Modelli

Venner Electronics Ltd.
New Malden

The Company was acquired in 1970 by AMF International Ltd. and thereafter opearated as the Venner Division of AMF.

Fondata: 1906

The mechanical time switch was invented by Robert F S Venner who started a private company in 1906

These switches were developed into large scale production and the organisation was incorporated as a Limited Company - . Venner Time Switches Ltd in - 1911

Most of the lamp posts and traffic controllers in the UK were fitted with Vennerequipment until the 1970s.


Later they embraced electronics and were designers and manufacturers of a wide range of Counters and Timers and test equipment.  Also sold was a range of plug-in modules for industrial applications.

Questo produttore è stato proposto da Karl-Heinz Entrich † 7.21.


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