History of the manufacturer  

MINS Technology; Nanaimo

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Name: MINS Technology; Nanaimo    (CDN)  
Abbreviation: minstech
Products: Model types

MINS Technology; Nanaimo

Beverage Antenna Kits BV50-239, BV50N, BV50-BNC and Adjustable Beverage Termination Resistor known.

Founded: 2009

This manufacturer was suggested by Emilio Focosi.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
CDN  ? Beverage Balun BV50-239   Impedance Ratio 9:1 Isolated Transformer in waterproof box; Nominal Frequency Range 1,8... 
CDN  ? Beverage Termination Resistor 450ohm   Non-inductive 450 ohm Resistor; to apply at end of any Beverage AntennaMaximum Power 4 ... 


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