History of the manufacturer  

Fahnestock Electric Co.; Long Island City, NY

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Name: Fahnestock Electric Co.; Long Island City, NY    (USA)  
Abbreviation: fahnestock
Products: Others

Fahnestock Electric Co.; Long Island City, NY.
Manufacture of different connectors and clamps.

U.S. Patent No. 1,163,371 for the Fahnestock clip was issued December 7, 1915, to Fahnestock Electric Company of New York (John Schade, Jr., Assignor) more than 3 1/2 years after the filing date (May 22, 1912). Almost eight more years elapsed, however, before the device was first advertised in Radio News (November 1923, p. 637). "Fahnestock connectors" where listed in the 1922 catalog of the Manhatten Electrical Supply Company (MESCO) for "experimenters who are particularly interested in the construction of rough laboratory circuits" (p. 192). By 1922, Fahnestock clips began to appear on commercial crystal sets and crystal detectors, but binding posts continued to be used widely for several more years.
Source : "Crystal Clear, Vol. 1 by M.L. Sievers, p. 10.

Founded: 1912

This manufacturer was suggested by Hans-Joachim Korn † 16.11.15.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  15 Fahnestock Clips   Fahnestock Clips.   


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Radio Broadcast, Jan. 1926, p. 379tbn_usa_fahnestock.jpg


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