Historia del fabricantes  

Macy & Co. (not Macy's?); New York City, New York

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Nombre: Macy & Co. (not Macy's?); New York City, New York    (USA)  
Abreviatura: macy
Productos: Modelos

Macy & Company
66 Greene Street, New York City, New York (1924)

Trade name: Maco Sr.

Currently we cannot establish if this listing for Macy & Company in the Radio Trade Directory is erroneous, or if a small company of the same name as R.H. Macy & Company existed in 1924/1925.


In the November 1924 and May 1925 issues of The Radio Trade Directory under the section for manufacturers of Loud Speakers, Macy & Company was located at 66 Greene Street in New York City, New York. The company was no longer listed in the August 1926 McGraw-Hill Radio Trade Catalog. 

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Alan Larsen.

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