Informations sur le fabricant  

Centurion (Brand), Suttons Ltd.; Melbourne, Victoria

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Nom: Centurion (Brand), Suttons Ltd.; Melbourne, Victoria    (AUS)  
Abréviation: centurion
Produits: Modèles

Suttons Ltd.
290 Burke Street, Melbourne, Victoria.
Branches at Bendigo, Ballarat, Geelong, Adelaide & Sydney.

Brand: Centurion

Suttons was a Victorian-based Australian music and electrical-radio retailer.

For the period 1928 to 1931, they sold Centurion brand radios and later radios made by other Australian manufacturers.

Fondé: 1854
Fermé: 1964
Production: 1928 - 1931

H.R. Sutton made a concertina to keep him entertained at night on the Ballarat goldfields and He ended up entertaining the other miners and making some more concertinas for friends. Mary, his wife, convinces him to buy a dray-load of instruments from Melbourne which they sold on the goldfields. This marks the beginning of the Sutton Music Emporium in a tent in Ballarat in 1854.

In 1854 the Sutton family moved their music business to Melbourne.

From 1925 they sold imported Crosley radios and in 1929 advertised The Centurion brand of radios.

To date, it is not known who manufactured the Centurion radio.

From 1931 Suttons advertised radios from other Australian manufacturers.

The company prospered as a musical and electrical-radio retailer and opened branches in Sydney and Newcastle, Adelaide.

On May 21, 1964, Brash Holdings Limited acquired the company.

Henry Sutton (1855-1912) born in Ballarat, was an inventor credited with contributions to many forefront technologies of the day. Sutton studied and then lectured at the Ballarat School of Mines.

He is credited with the invention first portable radio receiver.

He died in 1912 at the age of 56.

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Gary Cowans


Détails complémentaires fournis par les membres :

From the “Argus”,(Vic.), February 21, 1929.tbn_aus_suttons_ad_1929.jpg
Henry Sutton using his portable receiver 1910.tbn_aus_suttons_portable.jpg


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