Informations sur le fabricant  

RCS Radio Pty. Ltd.; Sydney, NSW

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Nom: RCS Radio Pty. Ltd.; Sydney, NSW    (AUS)  
Abréviation: rcs-radio
Produits: Modèles Autres

R.C.S. Radio Pty. Ltd.
Marrickville Sydney (1929 – 1934)
21 Ivy Street, Darlington, Sydney (1934 – 1938)
50 Glebe Street, Glebe , Sydney (1938 – 1945)
174 Canterbury Road,  Canterbury, NSW. (1945 -1951)
651 Forrest Road, Bexley, NSW (1951- )
41 Arlewis Street, Chester Hill, NSW, 2162 ( -  2016)

The company supplied radio parts to the trade and home constructors.

They supplied parts and kit sets for the radio equipment designed by Australasian Radio World and Radio & Hobbies and magazines.

Fondé: 1929
Fermé: 2016
Production: 1929 -

In 1929 Ronald A Bell started manufacturing coils for TRF receivers in a small factory in Marrickville, Sydney. He expanded to new premises at Ivy Street Darlington, manufacturing transformers, resistors and wire wound parts for radio amateurs and other Australian manufacturers. In 1938 the Ivy Street factory was destroyed by fire and the company moved to 50 Glebe Street, Glebe. [1]

The Company was registered on the 4 April, 1938. [2]

The company traded from various locations as above and in the late 1990 and 2001 sold printed circuit boards for projects in electronics magazines.[4]

The company was proposed for de- registration on 21 June 2016. [5]

Highlights from R.C.S  history.

1933 - The “Standard Superhet” coil kit was released.

1934 - Hetero-Tuner –  comprised a complete basic superhet assembly incorporating aerial, RF and oscillator coils, tuning gang, padders, bias resistors, by-pass capacitors and IF transformers on a steel base.

1936 - Pre Tuned Coil unit with rotary switch with 8 pre-tuned stations. [1]

1939 - Trolitul injection moulding formers for coils. [3]

[1] Australasian Radio World, Dec 1, 1939, Page 6.
[2] The Sun (NSW) 4 Apr 1938, Page 14.
[3] Australasian Radio World, Jan 1, 1940, Page 6.
[4] Electronics Australia, Jan 2001, page 96.
[5] ASIC Published notice

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Gary Cowans


Détails complémentaires fournis par les membres :

[1a] Australasian Radio World, Dec 1, 1939, Page 6.tbn_aus_rcs_1a_arw_dec_1_1939_page_6.jpg
[1b] Australasian Radio World, Dec 1, 1939, Page 7.tbn_aus_rcs_1b_arw_dec_1_1939_page_7.jpg
[2] Company Registered. The Sun (NSW) 4 Apr 1938, Page 14.tbn_aus_rcs_2_the_sun_nsw_4_apr_1938_page_14.jpg
[3] Australasian Radio World, Jan 1, 1940, Page 6.tbn_aus_rcs_3_arw_jan_1_1940_page_6.jpg
From Radio & Hobbies April 1940.tbn_aus_rcs_radio_ad_april_1940.jpg
From Radio & Hobbies April 1947.tbn_aus_rcs_ad_1947.jpg
From Radio, TV & Hobbies April 1965.tbn_aus_rcs_ad_1965.jpg
From Radio & Hobbies April 1939.tbn_aus_rcs_ad_1939.jpg
Manufacturer documentationtbn_rcs_service_manual_cover_c._1928.jpg
Manufacturer documentationtbn_rcs_service_manual_c._1928_rcs.jpg


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